1   /*
2   * Copyright 2015 FBK-irst.
3   *
4   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7   *
8   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9   *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16  package eu.fbk.knowledgestore.elastic;
18  import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
19  import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
20  import com.google.common.collect.BoundType;
21  import com.google.common.collect.Range;
22  import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.data.Data;
23  import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.data.Record;
24  import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse;
25  import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
26  import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilder;
27  import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders;
28  import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders;
29  import org.elasticsearch.index.query.RangeFilterBuilder;
30  import org.elasticsearch.search.SearchHit;
31  import org.openrdf.model.Literal;
32  import org.openrdf.model.URI;
33  import org.openrdf.model.Value;
34  import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema;
35  import org.slf4j.Logger;
36  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
38  import java.io.IOException;
39  import java.util.*;
41  import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory.jsonBuilder;
43  /**
44   * If the Record format is changed all (more or less) the methods in this Class must be changed.
45   *
46   * @author enrico
47   */
48  public final class Utility {
50      private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Utility.class);
51      private static final String ID_PROPERTY_NAME = "ID"; //property name of the Record id.
52      private static final char URI_ESCAPE = (char) 1; //escape character for identify URIs or normal Strings.
54      private static String encodeString(URI uri, URIHandler handler) throws IOException {
55          if (uri == null) {
56              return null;
57          }
58          return handler.encode(uri);
59      }
61      private static Object decodeString(String str, URIHandler handler) {
62          Object res = str;
63          if (handler.isEncodedUri(str)) {
64              res = handler.decode(str);
65          }
66          return res;
67      }
69      /**
70       * checks if the 2 Records contains the same Properties : Values.
71       *
72       * @param exp
73       * @param res
74       * @return
75       */
76      public static boolean areEquals(Record exp, Record res) {
77          if (!exp.getID().equals(res.getID())) {
78              LOGGER.info("differend ids expected: " + exp.getID() + " ; found: " + res.getID());
79          }
80          List<URI> properties = exp.getProperties();
81          List<URI> resProperties = res.getProperties();
83          if (properties.size() != resProperties.size()) {
84              LOGGER.info("different number of properties; expected: " + properties.size() + " found: " + resProperties
85                      .size());
86              return false;
87          } //must have the same number of properties.
89          properties.sort(Data.getTotalComparator());
90          resProperties.sort(Data.getTotalComparator());
92          for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) { //must have the same properties' values.
93              URI prop = properties.get(i);
94              URI resProp = resProperties.get(i);
95              if (!prop.equals(resProp)) {
96                  LOGGER.debug("different property name; expected: " + prop + " found: " + resProp);
97                  return false;
98              }
100             List<Object> expValues = exp.get(prop);
101             List<Object> resValues = res.get(prop);
103             if (resValues == null && expValues != null) {
104                 LOGGER.debug("found null values expected not null");
105                 return false;
106             }
108             if (resValues != null && expValues == null) {
109                 LOGGER.debug("found not null values expected null");
110                 return false;
111             }
113             if (resValues != null && expValues != null) { //if both null assume that are equals.
114                 if (resValues.size() != expValues.size()) {
115                     LOGGER.debug(
116                             "different number of values under " + prop + " expected: " + expValues.size() + " found: "
117                                     + resValues.size());
118                     return false;
119                 } //same number of values.
121                 Iterator<Object> expIt = expValues.iterator();
122                 Iterator<Object> resIt = resValues.iterator();
123                 while (expIt.hasNext()) {
124                     Object expValue = expIt.next();
125                     Object resValue = resIt.next();
126                     if (expValue instanceof Record) { //it's a Record or it's a Value
127                         if (!areEquals((Record) expValue, (Record) resValue)) {
128                             LOGGER.debug("different Records under " + prop);
129                             return false;
130                         }
131                     } else if (expValue instanceof Value) { //Literal or URI
133                         if (expValue instanceof URI) {
134                             if (!((URI) expValue).equals((URI) resValue)) {
135                                 LOGGER.debug("differet URIs; expected: " + ((URI) expValue).toString() + " found: "
136                                         + ((URI) resValue).toString());
137                                 return false;
138                             }
139                         } else { //instanceof Literal
140                             if (expValue instanceof Literal) {
141                                 if (!((Literal) expValue).equals((Literal) resValue)) {
142                                     LOGGER.debug("differet Literals; expected: " + ((Literal) expValue).toString()
143                                             + " found: " + ((Literal) resValue).toString());
144                                     return false;
145                                 }
146                             } else {
147                                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
148                                         "unknow type in Record property, Value subclass that is neither URI nor Literal: "
149                                                 + expValue.getClass());
150                             }
151                         }
153                     } else {
154                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknow type in Record property: " + expValue.getClass());
155                     }
156                 }
157             }
158         }
159         return true;
160     }
162     /**
163      * the 2 input Lists must be sorted.
164      *
165      * @param expResult
166      * @param result
167      * @return
168      */
169     public static boolean areEquals(List<Record> expResult, List<Record> result) {
170         LOGGER.debug(
171                 "\n\nexpected(" + expResult.size() + "): " + expResult + "\n\nfound(" + result.size() + "): " + result);
172         if (expResult.size() != result.size()) { //if they have a different number of entries.
173             LOGGER.debug(
174                     "the 2 List<Record> have a different number of entries expected: " + expResult.size() + " , found: "
175                             + result.size());
176             return false;
177         }
179         for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
180             if (!areEquals(expResult.get(i), result.get(i))) {
181                 return false;
182             }
183         }
184         return true;
185     }
187     /**
188      * maps all the XMLSchema types in the java Class that will be stored in ES.
189      *
190      * @param literal literal to serialize under the attribute name propStr in the builder.
191      * @param propStr attribute name, if null no attribute name will be set.
192      * @param builder
193      * @return
194      * @throws IOException
195      */
196     private static XContentBuilder literalSerializer(Literal literal, XContentBuilder builder) throws IOException {
197         final URI datatype = literal.getDatatype();
198         if (datatype == null || datatype.equals(XMLSchema.STRING)) {
199             builder.value(Data.convert(literal, String.class));
200         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.BOOLEAN)) {
201             builder.value(Data.convert(literal, Boolean.class));
202         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.DATE) || datatype.equals(XMLSchema.DATETIME)) {
203             builder.value(Data.convert(literal, Date.class));
204         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.INT)) {
205             builder.value(Data.convert(literal, Integer.class));
206         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.LONG)) {
207             builder.value(Data.convert(literal, Long.class));
208         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.DOUBLE)) {
209             builder.value(Data.convert(literal, Double.class));
210         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.FLOAT)) { //ES will convert to Double
211             builder.value(Data.convert(literal, Float.class));
212         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.SHORT)) { //ES will convert to int
213             builder.value(Data.convert(literal, Short.class));
214         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.BYTE)) { //ES will convert to int
215             builder.value(Data.convert(literal, Byte.class));
216         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.DECIMAL)) { //saved as Binary
217             String tmp = literalToString(literal);
218             builder.value(tmp.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8));
219         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.INTEGER)) {
220             String tmp = literalToString(literal);
221             builder.value(tmp.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8));
222         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER)
223                 || datatype.equals(XMLSchema.NON_POSITIVE_INTEGER)
224                 || datatype.equals(XMLSchema.NEGATIVE_INTEGER)
225                 || datatype.equals(XMLSchema.POSITIVE_INTEGER)) { //BigInteger saved as Binary
226             String tmp = literalToString(literal);
227             builder.value(tmp.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); // infrequent integer cases
228         } else if (datatype.equals(XMLSchema.NORMALIZEDSTRING) || datatype.equals(XMLSchema.TOKEN)
229                 || datatype.equals(XMLSchema.NMTOKEN) || datatype.equals(XMLSchema.LANGUAGE)
230                 || datatype.equals(XMLSchema.NAME) || datatype.equals(XMLSchema.NCNAME)) {
231             String tmp = literalToString(literal);
232             builder.value(tmp.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8));// infrequent string cases, saved as String
233         } else {
234             throw new IllegalArgumentException("can not serialize this literal: " + literal);
235         }
236         return builder;
237     }
239     /**
240      * @param elKey  string that rapresents the property name (string of the URI)
241      * @param item   value that the record must have in the field of the elKey
242      * @param mapper mapping of the properties in ES. can not make filters on byteArray.
243      * @return if the filter has not be created returns null else the created filter
244      */
245     public static FilterBuilder buildTermFilter(String elKey, Object item, MappingHandler mapper, URIHandler handler)
246             throws IOException {
247         LOGGER.debug("creating term filter: " + elKey + " = " + item);
249         // Class<?> itemClass = mapper.getValueClass(elKey);
250         //item = Data.convert(item, itemClass);
251         if (item instanceof URI) {
252             String encodedURI = encodeString((URI) item, handler);
253             LOGGER.debug("item is a URI: " + encodedURI);
254             return FilterBuilders.queryFilter(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery(elKey, encodedURI));
255             //return FilterBuilders.termFilter(elKey, encodedURI);
256         }
257         if (item instanceof String) { //is mapped in ES as a String -> can be a URI or a String.
258             LOGGER.debug("item is a string: " + item);
259             //the termFilter works only if the field is analyzed.
260             //res = FilterBuilders.termFilter(elKey, item);
261             return FilterBuilders.queryFilter(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery(elKey, item.toString()));
262         }
263         if (item instanceof Date) {
264             LOGGER.debug("item is a Date: " + item);
265             return FilterBuilders.termFilter(elKey, (Date) item);
266         }
267         if (item instanceof Boolean) {
268             LOGGER.debug("item is a Boolean: " + item);
269             return FilterBuilders.termFilter(elKey, (boolean) item);
270         }
272         if (item instanceof Number) {
273             if (item instanceof Short) {
274                 LOGGER.debug("item is a Short: " + item);
275                 return FilterBuilders.termFilter(elKey, (short) item);
276             }
277             if (item instanceof Byte) {
278                 LOGGER.debug("item is a Byte: " + item);
279                 return FilterBuilders.termFilter(elKey, (byte) item);
280             }
281             if (item instanceof Integer) {
282                 LOGGER.debug("item is a Integer: " + item);
283                 return FilterBuilders.termFilter(elKey, (int) item);
284             }
285             if (item instanceof Double) {
286                 LOGGER.debug("item is a Double: " + item.getClass());
287                 return FilterBuilders.termFilter(elKey, (double) item);
288             }
289             if (item instanceof Float) {
290                 LOGGER.debug("item is a Float: " + item);
291                 return FilterBuilders.termFilter(elKey, (float) item);
292             }
293             if (item instanceof Long) {
294                 LOGGER.debug("item is a Long: " + item);
295                 return FilterBuilders.termFilter(elKey, (long) item);
296             } else {
297                 LOGGER.debug("found unhandled Number type in the xPath conditions: {} ; can not create the filter.",
298                         item.getClass());
299                 return null;
300             }
301         }
302         LOGGER.debug("found unhandled type in the xPath conditions: {} ; can not create the filter.", item.getClass());
303         return null;
304     }
306     /**
307      * creates a RangeFilter with the Range item, returns null if the filter can not be created.
308      *
309      * @param res  RangeFilterBuilder
310      * @param item Range item to insert in the Builder
311      * @return
312      */
313     private static RangeFilterBuilder setFromToRange(RangeFilterBuilder res, Range item, Class<?> itemClass,
314             URIHandler handler) throws IOException {
315         Object lower = null;
316         Object upper = null;
317         if (item.hasLowerBound()) { //if it has a lowerBoud set lower
318             lower = item.lowerEndpoint();
319             if (lower instanceof URI) {
320                 lower = encodeString((URI) lower, handler);
321             }
322             lower = Data.convert(lower, itemClass);
323             LOGGER.debug("FROM: " + lower.toString() + " class: " + lower.getClass());
324         }
325         if (item.hasUpperBound()) { //if it has an upperBoud set upper
326             upper = item.upperEndpoint();
327             if (upper instanceof URI) {
328                 upper = encodeString((URI) upper, handler);
329             }
330             upper = Data.convert(upper, itemClass);
331             LOGGER.debug("TO: " + upper.toString() + " class: " + upper.getClass());
332         }
334         if (lower == null && upper == null) {
335             LOGGER.debug("upper bound and lower bound are both null");
336             return null;
337         }
339         //Handle the Number.
340         if (lower instanceof Number || upper instanceof Number) { //or becouse: null instanceof <Class> = false
341             //if one of lower or upper it's an "int" (Short, Byte, Integer, Long)
342             if (lower instanceof Short || lower instanceof Byte || lower instanceof Integer || lower instanceof Long
343                     || upper instanceof Short || upper instanceof Byte || upper instanceof Integer
344                     || upper instanceof Long) {
345                 LOGGER.debug("integer");
346                 if (lower != null) //set the from only if there is a lower bound
347                 {
348                     res = res.from(((Number) lower).intValue());
349                 }
350                 if (upper != null) //set the to only if there is a upper bound
351                 {
352                     res = res.to(((Number) upper).intValue());
353                 }
354                 //if it's a decimal number: float or double.
355             } else if (lower instanceof Float || lower instanceof Double || upper instanceof Float
356                     || upper instanceof Double) {
357                 LOGGER.debug("double");
358                 if (lower != null) {
359                     res = res.from(((Number) lower).doubleValue());
360                 }
361                 if (upper != null) {
362                     res = res.to(((Number) upper).doubleValue());
363                 }
364             } else { //it's a unhandled Number type
365                 LOGGER.warn("can not build a Range filter with this Number class {}", item.getClass());
366                 return null;
367             }
368             //if it's not a Number.
369         } else {
370             if (lower instanceof String
371                     || upper instanceof String) { //lexicograph order: ES does a term query for every String in the Range! Very slow.
372                 LOGGER.debug("string");
373                 if (lower != null) {  //set the from only if there is a lower bound
374                     res = res.from((String) lower);
375                 }
376                 if (upper != null) { //set the to only if there is a upper bound
377                     res = res.to((String) upper);
378                 }
380             } else if (lower instanceof Date || upper instanceof Date) {
381                 LOGGER.debug("date");
382                 if (lower != null) {
383                     LOGGER.debug("lower: " + lower);
384                     res = res.from(((Date) lower));
385                 }
386                 if (upper != null) {
387                     LOGGER.debug("upper: " + upper);
388                     res = res.to(((Date) upper));
389                 }
391             } else {
392                 if (lower instanceof Boolean || upper instanceof Boolean) {
393                     LOGGER.debug("boolean");
394                     if (lower != null) {
395                         LOGGER.debug("lower: " + lower);
396                         res = res.from(((boolean) lower));
397                     }
398                     if (upper != null) {
399                         LOGGER.debug("upper: " + upper);
400                         res = res.to(((boolean) upper));
401                     }
402                 } else {
403                     LOGGER.warn("can not build a Range filter with this class {}", item.getClass());
404                     return null;
405                 }
406             }
407         }
409         //include or exclude the bounds.
410         if (lower != null) {
411             LOGGER.debug("include lower: " + item.lowerBoundType().equals(BoundType.CLOSED));
412             res = res.includeLower(item.lowerBoundType().equals(BoundType.CLOSED));
413         }
414         if (upper != null) {
415             LOGGER.debug("include upper: " + item.upperBoundType().equals(BoundType.CLOSED));
416             res = res.includeUpper(item.upperBoundType().equals(BoundType.CLOSED));
417         }
418         return res;
419     }
421     /**
422      * Tries to build a Filter: the specified property (elKey) must match the Range item.
423      * Returns null if the method wasn't able to create filter.
424      *
425      * @param elKey  property name.
426      * @param item   Range object.
427      * @param mapper
428      * @return the builder.
429      */
430     public static FilterBuilder buildRangeFilter(String elKey, Range item, MappingHandler mapper, URIHandler handler)
431             throws IOException {
432         Preconditions.checkNotNull(item);
433         LOGGER.debug("range filter on " + elKey);
434         RangeFilterBuilder res = FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(elKey);
435         LOGGER.debug("set from-to");
436         return setFromToRange(res, item, mapper.getValueClass(elKey), handler);
437     }
439     /**
440      * @param value      Object to serialize in the builder under the property name propString
441      * @param propString name of the attribute, if null no attribute name will be set.
442      * @param builder    XContentBuilder where to insert the data.
443      * @return the builder.
444      * @throws IOException
445      */
446     private static XContentBuilder singleObjectSerializer(Object value, XContentBuilder builder, URIHandler handler)
447             throws IOException {
448         if (value instanceof Value) { //Value or Record
449             if (value instanceof URI) { //a Value can be a URI or a Literal
450                 builder.value(encodeString((URI) value, handler)); //encode of the URI as a String.
451             } else if (value instanceof Literal) //a Literal can be a Object of different types.
452             {
453                 builder = literalSerializer((Literal) value, builder);
454             }
456             return builder;
457         }
458         if (value instanceof Record) { //recursion.
459             builder.startObject();
460             String id = encodeString(((Record) value).getID(), handler);
461             if (id != null) {
462                 builder.field(ID_PROPERTY_NAME, id);
463             }
464             builder = serialize((Record) value, builder, handler).endObject();
465             return builder;
466         }
467         throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
468                 "can not serialize this class of Objects: " + value.getClass() + "  ; value: " + value.toString());
469     }
471     /**
472      * @param values     set of values to insert under the property name propString in the builder.
473      * @param propString property name
474      * @param builder    XContentBuilder where to insert the data
475      * @return the builder with the new data.
476      * @throws IOException
477      */
478     private static XContentBuilder collectionSerializer(Collection<?> values, XContentBuilder builder,
479             URIHandler handler) throws IOException {
480         for (Object obj : values) {
481             builder = singleObjectSerializer(obj, builder,
482                     handler); //add every element of the collection in the builder.
483         }
484         return builder;
485     }
487     /**
488      * @param record     record to serialize
489      * @param propString property name of the record, null if it's not needed.
490      * @param builder    builder where to insert the serialized object, if null a new one will be created.
491      * @return the builder with the serialized object.
492      * @throws IOException
493      */
494     private static XContentBuilder serialize(Record record, XContentBuilder builder, URIHandler handler)
495             throws IOException {
496         String propString;
497         for (URI property : record.getProperties()) {
498             Object value = record.get(property); //property value.
499             propString = encodeString(property, handler); //name of the property as a string.
501             if (((Collection) value).size() == 1) { //if it's a single object get it from the Collection.
502                 value = ((Collection) value).iterator().next();
503             }
504             if (value instanceof Collection) { //if the value is a set of Object
505                 builder.startArray(propString);
506                 builder = collectionSerializer((Collection) value, builder, handler);
507                 builder.endArray();
509             } else { //if it's only 1 Object (item).
510                 builder.field(propString);
511                 builder = singleObjectSerializer(value, builder, handler);
512             }
513         }
514         return builder;
515     }
517     /**
518      * @param record  record to serialize in the XContentBuilder
519      * @param handler
520      * @return XContentBuilder (json) with all the data of the record.
521      * @throws IOException
522      */
523     public static XContentBuilder serialize(Record record, URIHandler handler) throws IOException {
524         if (record == null) {
525             return null;
526         }
527         XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder().startObject();
528         builder = serialize(record, builder, handler);
529         builder.endObject();
530         return builder;
531     }
533     /**
534      * this method depends from the serializeLiteral method.
535      *
536      * @param value Object to deserialize
537      * @return the deserialized object
538      */
539     private static Object deserializeSingleObject(Object value, String propName, MappingHandler mapper,
540             URIHandler handler) throws IOException {
541         Class<?> valueClass = mapper.getValueClass(propName);
542         if (valueClass.equals(Record.class)) { //if it's a nested record, recursion.
543             return deserialize((Map) value, Record.create(), mapper, handler);
544         }
545         if (valueClass.equals(byte[].class)) { //if it's binary, read it as String and convert to Value.
546             String res;
547             //if(value instanceof String){
548             byte[] valueByte = Base64.getDecoder().decode(((String) value));
549             res = new String(valueByte, Charsets.UTF_8);
550             // }
551             /*
552             //this is executed only if ES does projection.
553             else{
554             LOGGER.debug("\tbytesArray");
555             res = ((BytesArray)value).toUtf8();
556             }
557             */
558             return Utility.stringToLiteral(res);
559         }
560         if (valueClass.equals(String.class)) { //can be a URI or a String
561             return Utility.decodeString((String) value, handler);
562         }
563         //can be a Number, Boolean, Date
564         return Data.convert(value, valueClass);
565     }
567     /**
568      * calls the deserializeSingleObject on every Object in the Collection, stores the result in another Collection and then return this one.
569      *
570      * @param values set of values
571      * @return set of converted(deserialized) values.
572      */
573     private static Collection<?> deserializeCollection(Collection<?> values, String propName, MappingHandler mapper,
574             URIHandler handler) throws IOException {
575         ArrayList<Object> res = new ArrayList<>();
576         for (Object obj : values) {
577             res.add(deserializeSingleObject(obj, propName, mapper, handler));
578         }
579         return res;
580     }
582     /**
583      * transforms a Map in a Record
584      *
585      * @param source Map where to take the data
586      * @param res    Record where to insert the data.
587      * @return the Record.
588      */
589     private static Record deserialize(Map<String, Object> source, Record res, MappingHandler mapper, URIHandler handler)
590             throws IOException {
591         if (source == null) {
592             return res;
593         }
595         for (String propStr : source.keySet()) { //for each property
596             if (propStr.equals(ID_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
597                 res.setID((URI) decodeString((String) source.get(ID_PROPERTY_NAME), handler));
598             } else {
599                 URI propName = handler.decode(propStr);
600                 Object value = source.get(propStr);
601                 if (value instanceof Collection) {
602                     res.add(propName, deserializeCollection((Collection) value, propStr, mapper, handler));
603                 } else {
604                     res.add(propName, deserializeSingleObject(value, propStr, mapper, handler));
605                 }
606             }
607         }
608         return res;
609     }
611     /**
612      * Transforms the GetResponse object into a Record.
613      *
614      * @param response GetResponse object that contains a document of the query's result.
615      * @param mapper   mapping of the types.
616      * @return the information in the response object serialized in a Record object.
617      */
618     public static Record deserialize(GetResponse response, MappingHandler mapper, URIHandler handler)
619             throws IOException {
620         if (response == null) {
621             LOGGER.debug("null GetReponse");
622             return null;
623         }
624         if (!response.isExists()) {
625             LOGGER.trace("response not exists");
626             return null;
627         }
629         Record res = Record.create();
630         res.setID(handler.decode(response.getId()));
631         //should enter here only if ES has performed some projection.
632         if (response.isSourceEmpty()) {
633             return res;
634             //    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("deserialization of projected object not supported");
635             /*
636             //this is a example of implementation for deserialization of ES projected objects.
637             Set<String> keys = response.getFields().keySet(); //set of property names
638             Object value = null;
639             for(String key : keys){
640             List<Object> values = response.getField(key).getValues();
642             if(values.size() == 1){
643             value = deserializeSingleObject(values.iterator().next(), key, mapper);
644             }else{
645             value = deserializeCollection(values, key, mapper);
646             }
647             //add the binding key : value to the record
648             res.add((URI)stringToValue(key), value);
649             }
650             return res;
651             */
652         }
653         //if(!response.isSourceEmpty())
654         return deserialize(response.getSource(), res, mapper, handler);
655     }
657     /**
658      * Transforms the SearchHit object into a Record.
659      *
660      * @param response SearchHit object that contains a document of the query's result.
661      * @param mapper
662      * @return the information in the response object serialized in a Record object.
663      */
664     public static Record deserialize(SearchHit response, MappingHandler mapper, URIHandler handler) throws IOException {
665         if (response == null) {
666             return null;
667         }
668         Record res = Record.create();
669         res.setID(handler.decode(response.getId()));
670         if (response.isSourceEmpty()) {
671             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("deserialization of projected object not supported");
672             /*
673             Set<String> keys = response.getFields().keySet(); //set of property names
674             Object value = null;
675             for(String key : keys){
676             List<Object> values = response.field(key).getValues();
678             if(values.size() == 1){
679             value = deserializeSingleObject(values.iterator().next(), key, mapper);
680             }else{
681             value = deserializeCollection(values, key, mapper);
682             }
683             //add the binding key : value to the record
684             res.add((URI)stringToValue(key), value);
685             }
686             return res;
687             */
688         }
689         //if(!resposne.isSourceEmpty())
690         return deserialize(response.getSource(), res, mapper, handler);
691     }
693     /**
694      * transforms a Literal in a String
695      *
696      * @param obj object to transform in String
697      * @return
698      */
699     protected static String literalToString(Literal obj) {
700         // return Data.toString(obj, Data.getNamespaceMap());
701         return Data.toString(obj, null);
702     }
704     /**
705      * transforms the given String in a Value.
706      *
707      * @param s String to transform in a Value
708      * @return
709      */
710     protected static Literal stringToLiteral(String s) throws IOException {
711         return (Literal) Data.parseValue(s, null);
712     }
713 }