1   package eu.fbk.knowledgestore.populator.naf;
3   import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams;
4   import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.data.Data;
5   import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.data.Record;
6   import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.populator.naf.model.*;
7   import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.vocabulary.KS;
8   import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.vocabulary.NIF;
9   import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.vocabulary.NWR;
10  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.IO;
11  import org.openrdf.model.URI;
12  import org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl;
13  import org.openrdf.model.impl.ValueFactoryImpl;
14  import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.DCTERMS;
15  import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF;
16  import org.slf4j.Logger;
18  import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
19  import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
20  import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
21  import java.io.*;
22  import java.net.URL;
23  import java.nio.file.Path;
24  import java.nio.file.Paths;
25  import java.util.*;
27  public class processNAF {
29      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
30          // args[0] is the path, [args[1] is the disabled_Items]
31          String disabled_Items = "", path = "";
32          if (args.length > 0) {
33              path = args[0];
34              if (args.length > 1) {
35                  disabled_Items = args[1];
36              }
37          } else {
38              System.err
39                      .println(
40                              "eu.fbk.knowledgestore.populator.naf.processNAF path disabled_items \ndisabled_items = [Entities|Mentions|Resources] ");
41              throw new Exception();
42              // System.exit(-1);
43          }
44          processNAFVariables vars = new processNAFVariables();
46          analyzePathAndRunSystem(path, disabled_Items, vars);
47      }
49      public static KSPresentation init(String fPath, Writer inout, String disabled_Items,
50              boolean store_partical_info) throws JAXBException, IOException {
51          processNAFVariables vars = new processNAFVariables();
52          vars.storePartialInforInCaseOfError = store_partical_info;
53          vars.out = inout;
54          statistics stat;
55          try {
56              stat = readFile(fPath, disabled_Items, vars);
58              KSPresentation returned = new KSPresentation();
59              returned.setNaf_file_path(fPath);
60              returned.setNews(vars.rawText);
61              returned.setMentions(vars.mentionListHash);
62              returned.setNaf(vars.nafFile2);
63              returned.setNewsResource(vars.newsFile2);
64              returned.setStats(stat);
65              return returned;
66          } catch (Exception e) {
67              e.printStackTrace();
68              return null;
69          }
70      }
72      private static void analyzePathAndRunSystem(String path, String disabled_Items, processNAFVariables vars)
73              throws Exception {
74          vars.filePath = new File(path);
75          if (vars.filePath.exists() && vars.filePath.isDirectory()) {
76              // create report file in the same directory of running the system
77              vars.out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(
78                      vars.filePath.getPath(), "report.txt")), "utf-8"));
79              File[] listOfFiles = vars.filePath.listFiles();
80              for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) {
81                  if (listOfFiles[i].isFile() && listOfFiles[i].getName().endsWith(".naf")) {
82                      System.err.println(i + "=" + listOfFiles[i].getName());
83                      vars.out.append("\n" + i + "=" + listOfFiles[i].getName() + "\n");
84                      readFile(listOfFiles[i].getPath(), disabled_Items, vars);
85                  }
86                  vars.out.flush();
87                  System.gc();
88                  Runtime.getRuntime().gc();
89              }
90          } else if (vars.filePath.exists() && vars.filePath.isFile()) {
91              // create report file in the same directory of running the system
92              vars.out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(
93                      vars.filePath.getPath() + ".report.txt")), "utf-8"));
94              vars.out.append(vars.filePath.getPath() + "\n");
95              readFile(vars.filePath.getPath(), disabled_Items, vars);
96          }
97          vars.out.flush();
98          vars.out.close();
99      }
101     public static statistics readFile(String filepath, String disabled_Items, processNAFVariables vars)
102             throws Exception {
103         vars.storePartialInforInCaseOfError = true;
104         vars.filePath = new File(filepath);
105         logDebug("Start working with (" + vars.filePath.getName() + ")", vars);
106         String disabledItems = "";// Default empty so generate all layers of data
107         if (disabled_Items != null
108                 && (disabled_Items.matches("(?i)Entity") || disabled_Items.contains("(?i)Mention") || disabled_Items
109                 .contains("(?i)Resource"))) {
110             disabledItems = disabled_Items;
111             logDebug("Disable layer: " + disabledItems, vars);
112         }
113         readNAFFile(vars.filePath, vars);
114         NafHeader header = vars.doc.getNafHeader();
115         getNAFHEADERMentions(header, vars);
116         Raw raw = vars.doc.getRaw();
117         if (raw != null) {
118             vars.rawText = raw.getvalue();
119             vars.globalText = vars.doc.getText();
120             vars.globalTerms = vars.doc.getTerms();
121             getEntitiesMentions(vars.doc.getEntities(), disabledItems, vars);
122             getCoreferencesMentions(vars.doc.getCoreferences(), vars);
123             getTimeExpressionsMentions(vars.doc.getTimeExpressions(), vars);
124             //  getFactualityMentions(vars.doc.getFactualitylayer(),vars);
125             getFactualityMentionsV3(vars.doc.getFactualities(), vars);
126             getSRLMentions(vars);
127             getCLinksMentions(vars.doc.getCausalRelations(), vars);
128             getTLinksMentions(vars.doc.getTemporalRelations(), vars);
129             // logDebug("ROL1 before dumpStack()") ; Thread.currentThread().dumpStack();
131             fixMentions(vars);
132         }
134         logDebug("End of NAF populating.", vars);
135         statistics st = new statistics();
136         st.setObjectMention((vars.corefMention2 + vars.entityMen2));
137         st.setPER(vars.PER);
138         st.setORG(vars.ORG);
139         st.setLOC(vars.LOC);
140         st.setFin(vars.fin);
141         st.setMix(vars.mix);
142         st.setPRO(vars.PRO);
143         st.setNo_mapping(vars.no_mapping);
144         st.setTimeMention(vars.timeMention2);
145         st.setEventMention((vars.factualityMentions2 + vars.srlMention2));
146         st.setParticipationMention(vars.rolewithEntity2);
147         st.setEntity(vars.entityMen);
148         st.setCoref(vars.corefMention);
149         st.setCorefMentionEvent(vars.corefMentionEvent);
150         st.setCorefMentionNotEvent(vars.corefMentionNotEvent);
151         st.setFactuality(vars.factualityMentions);
152         st.setRole(vars.roleMentions);
153         st.setRolewithEntity(vars.rolewithEntity);
154         st.setRolewithoutEntity(vars.rolewithoutEntity);
155         st.setSrl(vars.srlMention);
156         st.setTimex(vars.timeMention);
157         st.setClinkMention(vars.clinkMentions);
158         st.setClinkMentionDiscarded(vars.clinkMentionsDiscarded);
159         st.setTlinkMention(vars.tlinkMentions);
160         st.setTlinkMentionsEnriched(vars.tlinkMentionsEnriched);
161         st.setTlinkMentionDiscarded(vars.tlinkMentionsDiscarded);
162         logDebug(st.getStats(), vars);
163         return st;
164     }
166     private static void getEntitiesMentions(Entities obj, String disabledItems, processNAFVariables vars)
167             throws Exception {
168         if (!checkHeaderTextTerms(vars)) {
169             logError("Error: populating stopped", vars);
170         } else {
171             logDebug("Start mapping the Entities mentions:", vars);
172         }
173         for (Entity entObj : ((Entities) obj).getEntity()) {
174             String deg = "";
175             int referencesElements = 0;
176             String charS = null;
177         /*
178            process <references> or <externalReferences>
179 	    */
180             for (Object generalEntObj : entObj.getReferencesOrExternalReferences()) {
181                 if (generalEntObj instanceof References) {
182             /*
183               process <references>
184 		    */
185                     referencesElements++;
186                     if (((References) generalEntObj).getSpan().size() < 1) {
187                         logDebug("Every entity must contain a 'span' element inside 'references'", vars);
188                     }
189                     if (((References) generalEntObj).getSpan().size() > 1) {
190                         logDebug("xpath(///NAF/entities/entity/references/span/), spanSize("
191                                 + ((References) generalEntObj).getSpan().size()
192                                 + ") Every entity must contain a unique 'span' element inside 'references'", vars);
193                     }
194                     for (Span spansObj : ((References) generalEntObj).getSpan()) {
195                         boolean addMentionFlag = true;
197                         if (spansObj.getTarget().size() < 1) {
198                             addMentionFlag = false;
199                             logDebug("Every span in an entity must contain at least one target inside", vars);
200                             continue;
201                         }
203                         Record m = Record.create();
204                         deg += "RDF.TYPE:OBJECT_MENTION,ENTITY_MENTION,MENTION";
205                         m.add(RDF.TYPE, NWR.OBJECT_MENTION, NWR.ENTITY_MENTION, KS.MENTION);
206                         deg = "MENTION_OF:" + vars.news_file_id.stringValue() + "|" + deg;
207                         m.add(KS.MENTION_OF, vars.news_file_id);
209                         if (((References) generalEntObj).getSpan().size() > 1) {
210                             m.add(NWR.LOCAL_COREF_ID, entObj.getId());
211                             deg += "|LOCAL_COREF_ID:" + entObj.getId();
212                         }
213                         generateTheMIdAndSetID(spansObj, m, vars);
214                         charS = m.getUnique(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, Integer.class) + "," + m
215                                 .getUnique(NIF.END_INDEX, Integer.class);
216                         deg = "MentionId:" + m.getID() + "|" + deg;
219 			/*
220               don't use predefined types from guidelines but keep the mention with type provided in the NAF
221 			*/
222                         boolean keepEntityTypeProvidedByNaf = true, dbpedia = true;
223                         String type3charLC = "";
224                         if (!dbpedia) {
225                             if (entObj.getType() != null && entObj.getType() != "" && !entObj.getType()
226                                     .equalsIgnoreCase("misc")) {
227                                 type3charLC = entObj.getType().substring(0, 3).toLowerCase();
228                             } else {
229                                 type3charLC = "misc";
230                                 entObj.setType("misc");
231                             }
232                             if (keepEntityTypeProvidedByNaf) {
233                                 URI dynamicTypeUri = ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance()
234                                         .createURI(NWR.NAMESPACE, "entity_type_" + entObj.getType().toLowerCase());
235                                 m.add(NWR.ENTITY_TYPE, dynamicTypeUri);
236                                 deg += "|ENTITY_TYPE:" + dynamicTypeUri;
237                                 logDebug("ROL1: <entity> added new mention for id " + entObj.getId() + ", charSpan |"
238                                         + getCharSpanFromSpan(spansObj, vars) + "|, type " + dynamicTypeUri, vars);
239                             } else {
240                                 if (vars.entityTypeMapper.containsKey(type3charLC)
241                                         && vars.entityTypeMapper.get(type3charLC) != null) {
242                                     m.add(NWR.ENTITY_TYPE, vars.entityTypeMapper.get(type3charLC));
243                                     deg += "|ENTITY_TYPE:" + vars.entityTypeMapper.get(type3charLC);
244                                     logDebug("ROL1: <entity> STRANGE added new mention for id " + entObj.getId()
245                                             + ", charSpan |"
246                                             + getCharSpanFromSpan(spansObj, vars) + "|, type " + vars.entityTypeMapper
247                                             .get(type3charLC), vars);
248                                 } else {
249                                     addMentionFlag = false;
250                                     logDebug("xpath(//NAF/entities/entity/@type),type(" + entObj.getType() + "), id("
251                                             + entObj.getId() + ") NO mapping for it", vars);
252                                     vars.no_mapping++;
253                                 }
254                             }
255                         }//dbpedia finish
256                         else {
257                             if (entObj.getType() == null || entObj.getType().equals("")) {
258                                 type3charLC = "misc";
259                                 entObj.setType("misc");
260                             } else {
261                                 if (entObj.getType().toLowerCase().contains("per") || entObj.getType().toLowerCase()
262                                         .contains("dbpedia:person")) {
263                                     entObj.setType("person");
264                                     type3charLC = entObj.getType().substring(0, 3).toLowerCase();
265                                 } else if (entObj.getType().toLowerCase().contains("org") || entObj.getType()
266                                         .toLowerCase().contains("dbpedia:organisation")) {
267                                     entObj.setType("organization");
268                                     type3charLC = entObj.getType().substring(0, 3).toLowerCase();
269                                 } else if (entObj.getType().toLowerCase().contains("loc") || entObj.getType()
270                                         .toLowerCase().contains("DBpedia:Place")) {
271                                     entObj.setType("location");
272                                     type3charLC = entObj.getType().substring(0, 3).toLowerCase();
273                                 } else {
274                                     entObj.setType("misc");
275                                     type3charLC = "misc";
276                                 }
277                             }
278                             URI dynamicTypeUri = ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance()
279                                     .createURI(NWR.NAMESPACE, "entity_type_" + entObj.getType().toLowerCase());
280                             m.add(NWR.ENTITY_TYPE, dynamicTypeUri);
281                             deg += "|ENTITY_TYPE:" + dynamicTypeUri;
282                             logDebug("ROL1: <entity> added new mention for id " + entObj.getId() + ", charSpan |"
283                                     + getCharSpanFromSpan(spansObj, vars) + "|, type " + dynamicTypeUri, vars);
285                         }
286                         if (addMentionFlag) {
287                             if (addOrMergeAMention(m, vars) == 1) {
288                                 String charS2 = m.getUnique(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, Integer.class) + "," + m
289                                         .getUnique(NIF.END_INDEX, Integer.class);
290                                 vars.entityMentions.put(charS2, m);
291                                 if (type3charLC.equalsIgnoreCase("PER")) {
292                                     vars.PER++;
293                                 }
294                                 if (type3charLC.equalsIgnoreCase("LOC")) {
295                                     vars.LOC++;
296                                 }
297                                 if (type3charLC.equalsIgnoreCase("ORG")) {
298                                     vars.ORG++;
299                                 }
300                                 if (type3charLC.equalsIgnoreCase("PRO")) {
301                                     vars.PRO++;
302                                 }
303                                 if (type3charLC.equalsIgnoreCase("fin")) {
304                                     vars.fin++;
305                                 }
306                                 if (type3charLC.equalsIgnoreCase("mix") || type3charLC.equalsIgnoreCase("misc")) {
307                                     vars.mix++;
308                                 }
309                                 vars.entityMen2++;
310                                 vars.entityMen++;
311                             }
312                         }
313                     }
314                 } else if (generalEntObj instanceof ExternalReferences) {
315             /*
316 		       process <externalReferences>
317 		    */
319                     // do it only if management of (KS) "Entity" layer is not disabled
320                     //
322                     List<ExternalRef> externalRefs = ((ExternalReferences) generalEntObj).getExternalRef();
323 //                    for (ExternalRef externalRef : externalRefs) {
324 //                        System.out.println(externalRef);
325 //                        System.out.println(externalRef.getReference());
326 //                        System.out.println(externalRef.getSource());
327 //                        System.out.println(externalRef.getResource());
328 //                        System.out.println();
329 //                    }
330 //
332                     if (!disabledItems.matches("(?i)Entity")) {
333                         boolean firstTimeFlag = true;
334                         String chosenReferenceValue = null;
335                         //modeactive is two filters should be applied to the externalRefs.
336                         //1. Language For each entity, group externalRef(s) by language (using reftype) and use the first nonempty set, using this sorting: en, es, it, nl.
337                         //2. Confidence Once the language is chosen, just take the externalRef having the higher confidence (and, of course, the language chosen).
338                         boolean modeactive = true;
340                         // if POCUS "reranker value" get it as externalreference otherwise do the language/highconfidence check
341                         for (ExternalRef exRObj : externalRefs) {
342                             if (exRObj.getSource() == null) {
343                                 exRObj.setSource("en");
344                             }
346                             if (exRObj.getSource().equalsIgnoreCase("POCUS")) {
347                                 if (referencesElements < 1) {
348                                     logDebug(
349                                             "Every entity must contain a 'references' element:not possible to add ExternalRef to null.",
350                                             vars);
351                                     continue;
352                                 }
353                                 // String resourceValue = exRObj.getResource();
354                                 String referenceValue = exRObj.getReference();
355                                 chosenReferenceValue = new String(referenceValue);
356                                 modeactive = false;
357                             }
358                         }
360                         if (modeactive) {
361                             LinkedList<ExternalRef> exrEn = new LinkedList<ExternalRef>();
362                             LinkedList<ExternalRef> exrEs = new LinkedList<ExternalRef>();
363                             LinkedList<ExternalRef> exrIt = new LinkedList<ExternalRef>();
364                             LinkedList<ExternalRef> exrNl = new LinkedList<ExternalRef>();
366                             for (ExternalRef exRObj : externalRefs) {
367                                 if (exRObj != null) {
368                                     getAllLayersOfExternalReferences(modeactive, exrEn, exRObj, exrEs, exrIt, exrNl,
369                                             vars);
370                                 }
371                             }
373                             String highConfidenceReferenceValue = null;
374                             if (exrEn.size() > 0) {
375                                 highConfidenceReferenceValue = getHighConfidenceReferenceValue(exrEn);
376                             } else if (exrEs.size() > 0) {
377                                 highConfidenceReferenceValue = getHighConfidenceReferenceValue(exrEs);
378                             } else if (exrIt.size() > 0) {
379                                 highConfidenceReferenceValue = getHighConfidenceReferenceValue(exrIt);
380                             } else if (exrNl.size() > 0) {
381                                 highConfidenceReferenceValue = getHighConfidenceReferenceValue(exrNl);
382                             }
384                             if (highConfidenceReferenceValue != null) {
385                                 chosenReferenceValue = new String(highConfidenceReferenceValue);
386                             }
388 //                        } else if (false) { //don't use it for now, it gets the last externalRef as the chosen one
389 //                            for (ExternalRef exRObj : externalRefs) {
390 //
391 //                                if (referencesElements < 1) {
392 //                                    logDebug(
393 //                                            "Every entity must contain a 'references' element:not possible to add ExternalRef to null.",
394 //                                            vars);
395 //                                    continue;
396 //                                }
397 //                                String resourceValue = exRObj.getResource();
398 //                                String referenceValue = exRObj.getReference();
399 //
400 //                                // choose as referenceValue the one provided by 'vua-type-reranker' if present, otherwise take the first value
401 //                                if (firstTimeFlag) {
402 //                                    chosenReferenceValue = new String(referenceValue);
403 //                                    firstTimeFlag = false;
404 //                                } else if (resourceValue.matches("(?i).*type-reranker.*")) {
405 //                                    chosenReferenceValue = new String(referenceValue);
406 //                                }
407 //                            }
408                         }
410                         if (chosenReferenceValue != null) {
411                             URIImpl chosenReferenceURI = new URIImpl(chosenReferenceValue);
412                             if (charS != null && vars.mentionListHash.get(charS) != null
413                                     && vars.mentionListHash.get(charS).get(KS.REFERS_TO).size() == 0) {
414                                 vars.mentionListHash.get(charS).add(KS.REFERS_TO, chosenReferenceURI);
415                                 //TODO mohammed if there already decided an externalRef don't add new one.
416                                 deg += "|REFERS_TO:" + chosenReferenceValue;
417                                 vars.entityMentions.get(charS).add(KS.REFERS_TO, chosenReferenceURI);
418                             } else {
419                                 if (charS != null && vars.mentionListHash.get(charS) != null) {
420                                     deg += "|REFERS_TO:" + vars.mentionListHash.get(charS).get(KS.REFERS_TO);
421                                 }
423                             }
424                         }
425                     }
426                 } // end of   if (generalEntObj instanceof ExternalReferences) {
428             } // end of    for (Object generalEntObj  : entObj.getReferencesOrExternalReferences())
430             logDebug(deg, vars);
431             if (referencesElements < 1) {
432                 logDebug("Every entity must contain a 'references' element", vars);
433             }
434         }
435     }
437     private static void getAllLayersOfExternalReferences(boolean modeactive, LinkedList<ExternalRef> exrEn,
438             ExternalRef exRObj, LinkedList<ExternalRef> exrEs, LinkedList<ExternalRef> exrIt,
439             LinkedList<ExternalRef> exrNl, processNAFVariables vars) {
441         if (modeactive) {
442             if (exRObj.getReftype() != null) {
443                 switch (exRObj.getReftype()) {
444                 case "en":
445                     exrEn.addLast(exRObj);
446                     break;
447                 case "es":
448                     exrEs.addLast(exRObj);
449                     break;
450                 case "it":
451                     exrIt.addLast(exRObj);
452                     break;
453                 case "nl":
454                     exrNl.addLast(exRObj);
455                     break;
456                 }
457             } else if (exRObj.getReference().contains("dbpedia")) {
459                 if (exRObj.getReference().contains("://dbpedia.org")) {
460                     exrEn.addLast(exRObj);
461                 } else if (exRObj.getReference().contains("://es.dbpedia.org")) {
462                     exrEs.addLast(exRObj);
463                 } else if (exRObj.getReference().contains("://it.dbpedia.org")) {
464                     exrIt.addLast(exRObj);
465                 } else if (exRObj.getReference().contains("://nl.dbpedia.org")) {
466                     exrNl.addLast(exRObj);
467                 }
468             } else {
469                 logDebug(
470                         "Every entity must contain a 'references' element with type or DBpedia reference: not possible to add ExternalRef to null.",
471                         vars);
472             }
473         }
475         if (exRObj != null && exRObj.getExternalRef() != null && exRObj.getExternalRef().size() > 0) {
476             for (ExternalRef ff : exRObj.getExternalRef()) {
477                 getAllLayersOfExternalReferences(modeactive, exrEn, ff, exrEs, exrIt, exrNl, vars);
478             }
479         } else {
480             return;
481         }
482     }
484     private static String getHighConfidenceReferenceValue(
485             LinkedList<ExternalRef> exrl) {
486         ExternalRef current = null;
487         Double dt = 0.0;
488         for (ExternalRef tmp : exrl) {
489             Double co = Double.parseDouble(tmp.getConfidence());
490             if (current == null) {
491                 current = tmp;
492                 dt = co;
493             } else {
494                 if (co > dt) {
495                     current = tmp;
496                     dt = co;
497                 }
498             }
499         }
500         if (current == null) {
501             return null;
502         }
504         return current.getReference();
505     }
507     private static void getTimeExpressionsMentions(TimeExpressions obj, processNAFVariables vars) throws Exception {
508         if (!checkHeaderTextTerms(vars)) {
509             logError("Error: populating interrupted", vars);
510         } else {
511             logDebug("Start mapping the TimeExpressions mentions:", vars);
512         }
513         for (Timex3 tmxObj : ((TimeExpressions) obj).getTimex3()) {
515             Span tmxSpan = tmxObj.getSpan();
516             String tmxTypeUC = tmxObj.getType().toUpperCase();
517             boolean keepTimeTypeProvidedByNaf = true;
519             // patch for timex3 without <span>
520             if ((tmxSpan == null) || (tmxSpan.getTarget().size() < 1)) {
521                 logDebug("skipping timex3 without span, id is " + tmxObj.getId(), vars);
522                 continue;
523             }
525             String deg = "";
526             Record m = Record.create();
528                     KS.MENTION);
530             m.add(KS.MENTION_OF, vars.news_file_id);
531             LinkedList<Wf> wordsL = fromSpanGetAllMentionsTmx(((Span) tmxSpan).getTarget(), vars);
532             generateMIDAndSetIdWF(wordsL, m, vars);
533             deg = "MentionId:" + m.getID() + deg;
535             if (keepTimeTypeProvidedByNaf) {
536                 URI dynamicTypeUri = ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance()
537                         .createURI(NWR.NAMESPACE, "timex3_" + tmxTypeUC.toLowerCase());
538                 m.add(NWR.TIME_TYPE, dynamicTypeUri);
539                 deg += "|TIME_TYPE:" + dynamicTypeUri;
540                 logDebug("ROL1: <timex3> added new mention for id " + tmxObj.getId() + ", type " + dynamicTypeUri,
541                         vars);
542             } else {
543                 if (vars.timex3TypeMapper.containsKey(tmxTypeUC)
544                         && vars.timex3TypeMapper.get(tmxTypeUC) != null) {
545                     m.add(NWR.TIME_TYPE, vars.timex3TypeMapper.get(tmxTypeUC));
546                     deg += "|TIME_TYPE:" + vars.timex3TypeMapper.get(tmxTypeUC);
547                     logDebug("ROL1: <timex3> STRANGE added new mention for id " + tmxObj.getId()
548                             + ", type " + vars.timex3TypeMapper.get(tmxTypeUC), vars);
549                 } else {
550                     logDebug("xpath(//NAF/timeExpressions/timex3/@type), type(" + tmxTypeUC
551                             + "), No mapping.", vars);
552                 }
553             }
554             if (false && tmxObj.getBeginPoint() != null) { //TODO
555                 m.add(NWR.BEGIN_POINT, tmxObj.getBeginPoint());
556                 deg += "|BEGIN_POINT:" + tmxObj.getBeginPoint();
557             }
558             if (false && tmxObj.getEndPoint() != null) {
559                 m.add(NWR.END_POINT, tmxObj.getEndPoint());
560                 deg += "|END_POINT:" + tmxObj.getEndPoint();
561             }
562             if (tmxObj.getQuant() != null) {
563                 m.add(NWR.QUANT, tmxObj.getQuant());
564                 deg += "|QUANT:" + tmxObj.getQuant();
565             }
566             if (tmxObj.getFreq() != null) {
567                 m.add(NWR.FREQ, tmxObj.getFreq());
568                 deg += "|FREQ:" + tmxObj.getFreq();
569             }
570             if (tmxObj.getFunctionInDocument() != null) {
571                 m.add(NWR.FUNCTION_IN_DOCUMENT, tmxObj.getFunctionInDocument());
572                 deg += "|FUNCTION_IN_DOCUMENT:" + tmxObj.getFunctionInDocument();
573             }
574             if (tmxObj.getTemporalFunction() != null) {
575                 m.add(NWR.TEMPORAL_FUNCTION, tmxObj.getTemporalFunction());
576                 deg += "|TEMPORAL_FUNCTION:" + tmxObj.getTemporalFunction();
577             }
578             if (tmxObj.getValue() != null) {
579                 m.add(NWR.VALUE, tmxObj.getValue());
580                 deg += "|VALUE:" + tmxObj.getValue();
581             }
582             if (tmxObj.getValueFromFunction() != null) {
583                 m.add(NWR.VALUE_FROM_FUNCTION, tmxObj.getValueFromFunction());
584                 deg += "|VALUE_FROM_FUNCTION:" + tmxObj.getValueFromFunction();
585             }
586             if (tmxObj.getMod() != null) {
587                 m.add(NWR.MOD, tmxObj.getMod());
588                 deg += "|MOD:" + tmxObj.getMod();
589             }
590             if (tmxObj.getAnchorTimeID() != null) {
591                 m.add(NWR.ANCHOR_TIME, tmxObj.getAnchorTimeID());
592                 deg += "|ANCHOR_TIME:" + tmxObj.getAnchorTimeID();
593             }
594             logDebug(deg, vars);
595             int addedNew = addOrMergeAMention(m, vars);
596             if (addedNew == 1) {
597                 vars.timeMention2++;
598                 vars.timeMention++;
599             }
600             String charS2 =
601                     m.getUnique(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, Integer.class) + "," + m.getUnique(NIF.END_INDEX, Integer.class);
602             vars.entityMentions.put(charS2, m);
603         }
604     }
606     private static void getFactualityMentions(Factualitylayer obj, processNAFVariables vars) throws Exception {
607         if (!checkHeaderTextTerms(vars)) {
608             logError("Error: populating interrupted", vars);
609         } else {
610             logDebug("Start mapping the Factuality mentions:", vars);
611         }
612         for (Factvalue fvObj : ((Factualitylayer) obj).getFactvalue()) {
613             String deg = "";
614             Record m = Record.create();
616                     KS.MENTION);
618             m.add(KS.MENTION_OF, vars.news_file_id);
619             LinkedList<Target> tarlist = new LinkedList<Target>();
620             Target tmp = new Target();
621             tmp.setId(fvObj.getId());
622             tarlist.addLast(tmp);
623             LinkedList<Wf> wordsL = fromSpanGetAllMentionsTmx(tarlist, vars);
624             generateMIDAndSetIdWF(wordsL, m, vars);
625             deg = "MentionId:" + m.getID() + deg;
626             // fvObj.getPrediction(); //TODO we need to verify the mapping here
627             // m.add(NWR.CERTAINTY, fvObj.getPrediction());
628             // m.add(NWR.FACTUALITY, fvObj.getPrediction());
629             if (fvObj.getConfidence() != null) {
630                 m.add(NWR.FACTUALITY_CONFIDENCE, fvObj.getConfidence());
631                 deg += "|FACTUALITY_CONFIDENCE:" + fvObj.getConfidence();
632             }
633             logDebug(deg, vars);
634             int addedNew = addOrMergeAMention(m, vars);
635             if (addedNew == 1) {
636                 vars.factualityMentions2++;
637                 vars.factualityMentions++;
638             }
639             String charS2 =
640                     m.getUnique(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, Integer.class) + "," + m.getUnique(NIF.END_INDEX, Integer.class);
641             vars.entityMentions.put(charS2, m);
643         }
645     }
647     private static void getFactualityMentionsV3(Factualities factualities, processNAFVariables vars) throws Exception {
648         if (!checkHeaderTextTerms(vars)) {
649             logError("Error: populating interrupted", vars);
650         } else {
651             logDebug("Start mapping the Factualities mentions:", vars);
652         }
653         for (Factuality fvObj : factualities.getFactuality()) {
655             String deg = "";
656             Record m = Record.create();
658                     KS.MENTION);
660             m.add(KS.MENTION_OF, vars.news_file_id);
661             LinkedList<Target> tarlist = new LinkedList<Target>();
662             for (Target t : fvObj.getSpan().getTarget()) {
663                 tarlist.addLast(t);
664             }
665             LinkedList<Wf> wordsL = fromSpanGetAllMentions(tarlist, vars);
666             generateMIDAndSetIdWF(wordsL, m, vars);
667             deg = "MentionId:" + m.getID() + deg;
669             for (FactVal tts : fvObj.getFactVal()) {
670                 if (tts.getResource().equalsIgnoreCase("factbank")) {
671                     m.add(NWR.FACT_BANK, tts.getValue());
672                 }
673             }
674             logDebug(deg, vars);
675             int addedNew = addOrMergeAMention(m, vars);
676             if (addedNew == 1 | addedNew == 0) {
677                 vars.factualityMentions2++;
678                 vars.factualityMentions++;
679             }
680             String charS2 =
681                     m.getUnique(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, Integer.class) + "," + m.getUnique(NIF.END_INDEX, Integer.class);
682             vars.entityMentions.put(charS2, m);
684         }
685     }
687     private static void getCLinksMentions(CausalRelations causalRelations, processNAFVariables vars) throws Exception {
688         if (!checkHeaderTextTerms(vars)) {
689             logError("Error: populating interrupted", vars);
690         } else {
691             logDebug("Start mapping the CLINKS mentions:", vars);
692         }
693         for (Clink fvObj : causalRelations.getClink()) {
695             String deg = "";
696             Record m = Record.create();
698                     KS.MENTION);
699             deg += "|TYPE:CLINK,RELATION_MENTION,MENTION";
700             m.add(KS.MENTION_OF, vars.news_file_id);
702             LinkedList<Target> tarlist = new LinkedList<Target>();
703             List<Target> from = getSpanTermsOfPredicate(fvObj.getFrom(), vars);
704             List<Target> to = getSpanTermsOfPredicate(fvObj.getTo(), vars);
705             tarlist.addAll(from);
706             tarlist.addAll(to);
708             LinkedList<Wf> fromwl = fromSpanGetAllMentions(from, vars);
709             Record mtest1 = Record.create();
710             generateMIDAndSetIdWF(fromwl, mtest1, vars);
711             m.add(NWR.SOURCE, mtest1.getID());
713             LinkedList<Wf> towl = fromSpanGetAllMentions(to, vars);
714             Record mtest2 = Record.create();
715             generateMIDAndSetIdWF(towl, mtest2, vars);
716             m.add(NWR.TARGET, mtest2.getID());
718             LinkedList<Wf> wordsL = fromSpanGetAllMentions(tarlist, vars);
719             generateMIDAndSetIdWF(wordsL, m, vars);
720             deg = "MentionId:" + m.getID() + deg;
722             logDebug(deg, vars);
723             int addedNew = addOrMergeAMention(m, vars);
724             if (addedNew == 1) {
725                 vars.clinkMentions++;
726             } else if (addedNew == 1) {
727                 vars.clinkMentionsDiscarded++;
728             }
730         }
731     }
733     private static void getTLinksMentions(TemporalRelations temporalRelations, processNAFVariables vars)
734             throws Exception {
735         if (!checkHeaderTextTerms(vars)) {
736             logError("Error: populating interrupted", vars);
737         } else {
738             logDebug("Start mapping the TLINKS mentions:", vars);
739         }
741         if (temporalRelations == null) {
742             return;
743         }
744         if (temporalRelations.getTlink() == null) {
745             return;
746         }
748         for (Tlink fvObj : temporalRelations.getTlink()) {
750             String deg = "";
751             Record m = Record.create();
753                     KS.MENTION);
754             deg += "|TYPE:TLINK,RELATION_MENTION,MENTION";
755             m.add(KS.MENTION_OF, vars.news_file_id);
757             LinkedList<Target> tarlist = new LinkedList<Target>();
758             List<Target> from = new ArrayList<Target>();
759             List<Target> to = new ArrayList<Target>();
760             if (fvObj.getFromType().equalsIgnoreCase("event")) {
761                 from = getSpanTermsOfPredicate(fvObj.getFrom(), vars);
762             }
764             if (fvObj.getToType().equalsIgnoreCase("event")) {
765                 to = getSpanTermsOfPredicate(fvObj.getTo(), vars);
766             }
768             tarlist.addAll(from);
769             tarlist.addAll(to);
771             LinkedList<Wf> allEventWF = fromSpanGetAllMentions(tarlist, vars);
772             LinkedList<Wf> allWFFrom = fromSpanGetAllMentions(from, vars);
773             LinkedList<Wf> allWFTO = fromSpanGetAllMentions(to, vars);
775             List<Wf> fromtmx = new ArrayList<Wf>();
776             List<Wf> totmx = new ArrayList<Wf>();
777             //here if the type is timex, get all its WFs
778             if (fvObj.getFromType().equalsIgnoreCase("timex")) {
779                 fromtmx = getSpanOfTimex(fvObj.getFrom(), vars);
780                 allWFFrom.addAll(fromtmx);
781                 allEventWF.addAll(fromtmx);
782             }
784             if (fvObj.getToType().equalsIgnoreCase("timex")) {
785                 totmx = getSpanOfTimex(fvObj.getTo(), vars);
786                 allWFTO.addAll(totmx);
787                 allEventWF.addAll(totmx);
788             }
790             //reorder the lists
791             allEventWF = reorderWFAscending(allEventWF, vars);
792             allWFFrom = reorderWFAscending(allWFFrom, vars);
793             allWFTO = reorderWFAscending(allWFTO, vars);
795             if (fvObj.getFrom().equalsIgnoreCase("tmx0")) {
796                 Record mtest2 = Record.create();
797                 generateMIDAndSetIdWF(allWFTO, mtest2, vars);
798                 int returned = addTlinkRelTypeToMention(NWR.TLINK_FROM_TMX0,
799                         vars.tLinkTypeMapper.get(fvObj.getRelType().toUpperCase()), mtest2, vars);
800                 if (returned == 1) {
801                     vars.tlinkMentionsEnriched++;
802                 } else {
803                     logDebug("Tlink FROM -> tmx0, not found the target mention id:" + fvObj.getTo(), vars);
804                 }
805                 continue;
806             }
807             if (fvObj.getTo().equalsIgnoreCase("tmx0")) {
808                 Record mtest1 = Record.create();
809                 generateMIDAndSetIdWF(allWFFrom, mtest1, vars);
810                 int returned = addTlinkRelTypeToMention(NWR.TLINK_TO_TMX0,
811                         vars.tLinkTypeMapper.get(fvObj.getRelType().toUpperCase()), mtest1, vars);
812                 if (returned == 1) {
813                     vars.tlinkMentionsEnriched++;
814                 } else {
815                     logDebug("Tlink TO -> tmx0, not found the source mention id:" + fvObj.getFrom(), vars);
816                 }
817                 continue;
818             }
819             if (allWFFrom.size() > 0) {
820                 Record mtest1 = Record.create();
821                 generateMIDAndSetIdWF(allWFFrom, mtest1, vars);
822                 m.add(NWR.SOURCE, mtest1.getID());
823             }
824             if (allWFTO.size() > 0) {
825                 Record mtest2 = Record.create();
826                 generateMIDAndSetIdWF(allWFTO, mtest2, vars);
827                 m.add(NWR.TARGET, mtest2.getID());
828             }
829             m.add(NWR.REL_TYPE, vars.tLinkTypeMapper.get(fvObj.getRelType().toUpperCase()));
830             generateMIDAndSetIdWF(allEventWF, m, vars);
831             deg = "MentionId:" + m.getID() + deg;
833             logDebug(deg, vars);
834             int addedNew = addOrMergeAMention(m, vars);
835             if (addedNew == 1) {
836                 vars.tlinkMentions++;
837             } else if (addedNew == -1) {
838                 vars.tlinkMentionsDiscarded++;
839             }
841         }
842     }
844     private static int addTlinkRelTypeToMention(URI key, URI value,
845             Record mention, processNAFVariables vars) {
846         String charS = mention.getUnique(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, Integer.class) + "," + mention
847                 .getUnique(NIF.END_INDEX, Integer.class);
848         if (vars.mentionListHash.containsKey(charS)) {
849             vars.mentionListHash.get(charS).add(key, value);
850             return 1;
851         }
852         return -1;
853     }
855     private static LinkedList<Wf> reorderWFAscending(LinkedList<Wf> list,
856             processNAFVariables vars) {
857         LinkedList<Wf> tmp = new LinkedList<Wf>();
858         int found = 0;
859         for (Wf wftmp : vars.doc.getText().getWf()) {
860             if (list.contains(wftmp)) {
861                 tmp.addLast(wftmp);
862                 found++;
863             }
864             if (found >= list.size()) {
865                 break;
866             }
868         }
870         if (found < list.size()) {
871             logDebug("reorderWFAscending method, inconsistency: returned list less than the input list", vars);
872         }
873         return tmp;
874     }
876     private static List<Wf> getSpanOfTimex(String tmxId, processNAFVariables vars) {
877         List<Wf> tmp = new ArrayList<Wf>();
878         for (Timex3 tms : vars.doc.getTimeExpressions().getTimex3()) {
879             if (tms.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(tmxId)) {
880                 for (Target t : tms.getSpan().getTarget()) {
881                     tmp.add((Wf) t.getId());
882                 }
883                 break;
884             }
885         }
886         return tmp;
887     }
889     private static List<Target> getSpanTermsOfPredicate(String predicateId,
890             processNAFVariables vars) {
891         for (Predicate pr : vars.doc.getSrl().getPredicate()) {
892             if (pr.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(predicateId)) {
893                 return pr.getSpan().getTarget();
894             }
895         }
896         return null;
897     }
899     private static URIImpl getUriForSrlExternalRefResource(String type, String value) {
900         String prefix = null;
901         if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("PropBank")) {
902             prefix = "http://www.newsreader-project.eu/propbank/";
903         } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("VerbNet")) {
904             prefix = "http://www.newsreader-project.eu/verbnet/";
905         } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("FrameNet")) {
906             prefix = "http://www.newsreader-project.eu/framenet/";
907         } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("NomBank")) {
908             prefix = "http://www.newsreader-project.eu/nombank/";
909         } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("ESO")) {
910             prefix = "http://www.newsreader-project.eu/domain-ontology#";
911         }
912         if (prefix != null) {
913             return new URIImpl(prefix + value);
914         } else {
915             return null;
916         }
917     }
919     private static void getSRLMentions(processNAFVariables vars) throws Exception {
920         Srl obj = vars.doc.getSrl();
921         if (!checkHeaderTextTerms(vars)) {
922             logError("Error: populating interrupted", vars);
923         } else {
924             logDebug("Start mapping the Srl mentions:", vars);
925         }
927         if ((obj == null) || (((Srl) obj).getPredicate() == null)) {
928             logError("skipped missing xpath(//NAF/srl)", vars);
929             return;
930         }
931 	/* 
932 	   Iterate over the <predicate>s
933 	*/
934         for (Predicate prdObj : ((Srl) obj).getPredicate()) {
935             String deg = "";
936             Record mtmp = null;
937             String predicateID = prdObj.getId();
938             boolean firstSpanFound = false;
939             int predicatExtRef = 0;
940             String eventMentionId = null;
941             String predicateCharSpan = null;
942             LinkedList<Term> eventTermList = new LinkedList<Term>();
944 	    /* 
945 	       create an EVENT_MENTION for the <predicate>
946 	    */
947             if (prdObj.getSpan() instanceof Span) {
948                 if (firstSpanFound) {
949                     logDebug("Srl should have one span only! ", vars);
950                 }
951                 if (!firstSpanFound) {
952                     firstSpanFound = true;
953                 }
954                 predicateCharSpan = getCharSpanFromSpan(prdObj.getSpan(), vars);
955                 mtmp = Record.create();
957                         NWR.ENTITY_MENTION, KS.MENTION);
959                 mtmp.add(KS.MENTION_OF, vars.news_file_id);
960                 for (Target tars : prdObj.getSpan().getTarget()) {
961                     tars.getId();
962                     Term eventTerm = getTermfromTermId((Term) tars.getId(), vars);
963                     eventTermList.addLast(eventTerm);
964                     if (eventTerm.getLemma() != null) {
965                         mtmp.add(NWR.PRED, eventTerm.getLemma());
966                         deg += "|PRED:" + eventTerm.getLemma();
967                     }
968                     if (eventTerm.getPos() != null) {
969                         URI posVal = (eventTerm.getPos().equals("V") ||
970                                 eventTerm.getPos().equals("N"))
971                                 ? vars.partOfSpeechMapper.get(eventTerm.getPos())
972                                 : vars.partOfSpeechMapper.get("");
973                         mtmp.add(NWR.POS, posVal);
974                         deg += "|POS:" + posVal;
975                     }
976                 }
977                 generateTheMIdAndSetID(prdObj.getSpan(), mtmp, vars);
978                 deg = "MentionId:" + mtmp.getID() + deg;
980             }
982             /*
983              * Assign the predicateAnchor attributes to the predicate Mention
984              */
986             List<PredicateAnchor> prds = getAllRelativePredicateAnchors(prdObj.getId(), vars);
987             for (PredicateAnchor tprd : prds) {
989                 if (tprd.getAnchorTime() != null) {
990                     LinkedList<Wf> wfL = reorderWFAscending(
991                             fromSpanGetAllMentionsTmx(((Timex3) tprd.getAnchorTime()).getSpan().getTarget(), vars),
992                             vars);
993                     if (wfL.size() > 0) {
994                         Record mtest1 = Record.create();
995                         generateMIDAndSetIdWF(wfL, mtest1, vars);
996                         mtmp.add(NWR.ANCHOR_TIME, mtest1.getID());
997                     }
998                 }
1000                 if (tprd.getBeginPoint() != null) {
1001                     LinkedList<Wf> wfL = reorderWFAscending(
1002                             fromSpanGetAllMentionsTmx(((Timex3) tprd.getBeginPoint()).getSpan().getTarget(), vars),
1003                             vars);
1004                     if (wfL.size() > 0) {
1005                         Record mtest1 = Record.create();
1006                         generateMIDAndSetIdWF(wfL, mtest1, vars);
1007                         mtmp.add(NWR.BEGIN_POINT, mtest1.getID());
1008                     }
1009                 }
1011                 if (tprd.getEndPoint() != null) {
1012                     LinkedList<Wf> wfL = reorderWFAscending(
1013                             fromSpanGetAllMentionsTmx(((Timex3) tprd.getEndPoint()).getSpan().getTarget(), vars), vars);
1014                     if (wfL.size() > 0) {
1015                         Record mtest1 = Record.create();
1016                         generateMIDAndSetIdWF(wfL, mtest1, vars);
1017                         mtmp.add(NWR.END_POINT, mtest1.getID());
1018                     }
1019                 }
1020             }
1021             deg += "| ANCHOR_TIME:" + mtmp.get(NWR.ANCHOR_TIME) + " | BEGIN_POINT:" + mtmp.get(NWR.BEGIN_POINT)
1022                     + " | END_POINT:" + mtmp.get(NWR.END_POINT);
1023 	    /* 
1024 	       iterate over the sub-tags <externalReferences> or <role>s of the <predicate>
1025 	    */
1026             for (Object prdGObj : prdObj.getExternalReferencesOrRole()) {
1028 		/*
1029 		  process the <externalReferences> sub-tag: enrich the EVENT_MENTION related to <predicate>
1030 		*/
1031                 if (prdGObj instanceof ExternalReferences) {
1032                     boolean eventTypeFound = false;
1033                     if (predicatExtRef > 1) {
1034                         logDebug("more than one external ref for predicate:" + predicateID
1035                                 + " size: " + predicatExtRef, vars);
1036                     }
1037                     predicatExtRef++;
1038                     for (ExternalRef exrObj : ((ExternalReferences) prdGObj).getExternalRef()) {
1039                         if (mtmp != null) {
1040                             // check 'resource' and 'reference' attributes
1041                             //
1042                             String resourceValue = exrObj.getResource();
1043                             String referenceValue = exrObj.getReference();
1045                             if (resourceValue != null) {
1047                                 // check cases different from resource="EventType"
1048                                 //
1049                                 if (!resourceValue.equalsIgnoreCase("EventType")) {
1051                                     URI resourceMappedValue = vars.srlExternalRefResourceTypeMapper.get(resourceValue);
1052                                     URIImpl valueURI;
1053                                     if (resourceMappedValue != null) {
1054                                         valueURI = getUriForSrlExternalRefResource(resourceValue, referenceValue);
1055                                     } else {
1056                                         // force dynamic URIs
1057                                         //
1058                                         resourceMappedValue = ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance()
1059                                                 .createURI(NWR.NAMESPACE, resourceValue.toLowerCase() + "Ref");
1060                                         valueURI = new URIImpl("http://www.newsreader-project.eu/"
1061                                                 + resourceValue.toLowerCase() + "/" + referenceValue);
1062                                     }
1063                                     mtmp.add(resourceMappedValue, valueURI);
1064                                     deg += "|" + resourceMappedValue + ":" + valueURI;
1065                                 } else {
1066                                     // resource="EventType" => check 'reference' attribute
1067                                     //
1068                                     URI referenceMappedValue = null;
1069                                     if (referenceValue != null) {
1070                                         referenceMappedValue = vars.eventClassMapper.get(referenceValue);
1071                                     }
1072                                     if (referenceMappedValue == null) {
1073                                         // force this default value
1074                                         //
1075                                         referenceMappedValue = NWR.EVENT_SPEECH_COGNITIVE;
1076                                     }
1078                                     mtmp.add(NWR.EVENT_CLASS, referenceMappedValue);
1079                                     deg += "|EVENT_CLASS:" + referenceMappedValue;
1080                                     eventTypeFound = true;
1081                                 }
1082                             } else {
1083                                 // resourceValue == null)
1084                                 logDebug(
1085                                         "xpath(//NAF/srl/predicate/externalReferences/externalRef@Resource(NULL)): predicateID("
1086                                                 + predicateID + ")", vars);
1087                             }
1088                         } else {
1089                             logDebug(
1090                                     "Mapping error - Mention null - xpath(NAF/srl/predicate/externalReferences/externalRef): predicateID("
1091                                             + predicateID + ")", vars);
1092                         }
1093                     }
1094                     if (!eventTypeFound) {
1095                         mtmp.add(NWR.EVENT_CLASS, vars.eventClassMapper.get("contextual"));
1096                         deg += "|EVENT_CLASS:" + vars.eventClassMapper.get("contextual");
1097                         eventTypeFound = true;
1098                     }
1099                     if (eventTypeFound) {
1100                         logDebug(deg, vars);
1101                         int addedNew = addOrMergeAMention(mtmp, vars);
1103                         logDebug("ROL1: <srl> <predicate> adding new event mention for id "
1104                                 + predicateID + ", charSpan |" + predicateCharSpan + "|", vars);
1106                         if (addedNew == 1 | addedNew == 0) {
1107                             vars.srlMention2++;
1108                             vars.srlMention++;
1109                         }
1110                         String charS2 = mtmp.getUnique(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, Integer.class) + "," + mtmp
1111                                 .getUnique(NIF.END_INDEX, Integer.class);
1112                         vars.entityMentions.put(charS2, mtmp);
1114                         eventMentionId = mtmp.getID().stringValue();
1115                     } else {
1116                         // if eventType not found or no mapping for it
1117                         // write error and discard this mention
1118                         logDebug("Mention discarded for predicateID(" + predicateID + ") - ID("
1119                                 + mtmp.getID().toString() + ")", vars);
1120                     }
1121                 } else 
1122 		    /*
1123 		      process the <role> sub-tag
1125 		      rules:
1126 		      A) if the semantic role of <role> is temporal expression ("AM-TMP"), then
1127 		      two additional mentions are created: 
1128 			 (1) a temporal-expression mention with span <role><span> (if not already extracted) 
1129 			 (2) a TLINK between the event mention (<predicate><span>) and the temporal-expression mention (<role><span>)
1130 		      B) else if the <role> <span> COINCIDES EXACTLY with a previously extracted mention
1131 		      then create an single additional mention (a participation mention with span 
1132                       <predicate><span> + <role><span>)
1133 		    */
1134                     if (prdGObj instanceof Role) {
1135                         boolean MenCreated = false;
1136                         String charS = null;
1137                         String deg2 = "";
1138                         LinkedList<Term> roleTermList = null;
1140                         Span roleSpan = ((Role) prdGObj).getSpan();
1141                         String roleCharSpan = getCharSpanFromSpan(roleSpan, vars);
1142                         boolean createTemporalexpressionMentionFlag = false;
1143                         boolean createTlinkFlag = false;
1144                         boolean createParticipationMentionFlag = false;
1146                         String semRole = ((Role) prdGObj).getSemRole();
1147                         if ((semRole != null) && (semRole.equalsIgnoreCase("AM-TMP"))) {
1148                             createTlinkFlag = true;
1149                             createTemporalexpressionMentionFlag = true;
1150                             logDebug(" ROL1: <srl> <role> found TLINK for |" + predicateCharSpan + "|" + roleCharSpan
1151                                     + "|", vars);
1152                         } else {
1153                             if (checkAlreadyAcceptedMention(roleCharSpan, vars)) {
1154                                 createParticipationMentionFlag = true;
1155                                 logDebug(
1156                                         " ROL1: <srl> <role> found already existent mention for |" + roleCharSpan + "|",
1157                                         vars);
1158                             }
1159                         }
1162 			/*
1163 			  create a temporal-expression mention with span <role><span> if not already extracted
1164 			*/
1165                         if (createTemporalexpressionMentionFlag) {
1166                             if (!checkAlreadyAcceptedMention(roleCharSpan, vars)) {
1167                                 Record roleM = Record.create();
1168                                 roleM.add(RDF.TYPE, NWR.TIME_MENTION, NWR.TIME_OR_EVENT_MENTION,
1169                                         NWR.ENTITY_MENTION, KS.MENTION);
1170                                 roleM.add(KS.MENTION_OF, vars.news_file_id);
1172                                 //  compute the Term list for the <role>
1173                                 roleTermList = new LinkedList<Term>();
1174                                 for (Target rspnTar : ((Role) prdGObj).getSpan().getTarget()) {
1175                                     Term ttmp = getTermfromTermId((Term) rspnTar.getId(), vars);
1176                                     roleTermList.addLast(ttmp);
1177                                 }
1179                                 // generate and set ID of the mention
1180                                 generateTheMIdAndSetID(roleSpan, roleM, vars);
1182                                 // try to add the mention
1183                                 if (addOrMergeAMention(roleM, vars) == 1) {
1184                                     vars.timeMention2++;
1185                                 }
1187                                 logDebug("   ROL1: created temporal-expression mention for |" + roleCharSpan + "|",
1188                                         vars);
1189                             }
1190                         }
1192 			/*
1193 			  create the new relation mention (either participation or TLINK) with the span of <predicate> + <role>
1194 			  TODO:
1195 			  - check the enrichment (externalReferences, TYPE, extent, ...)
1196 			  - check SYNTACTIC_HEAD
1197 			*/
1198                         if (createParticipationMentionFlag || createTlinkFlag) {
1199                             Record relationM = Record.create();
1201 			    /*
1202 			      set as NWR.SOURCE of the relation mention the id of the EVENT_MENTION related to <predicate>
1203 			    */
1204                             if (eventMentionId != null) {
1205                                 relationM.add(NWR.SOURCE, new URIImpl(eventMentionId));
1206                                 deg2 += "|SOURCE:" + eventMentionId;
1207                             } else {
1208                                 logDebug("//NAF/srl/predicate/role/ - a Role without Predicate roleID("
1209                                         + ((Role) prdGObj).getId() + ")", vars);
1210                             }
1212 			    /*
1213 			      set as NWR.TARGET of the relation mention the id of the role mention related to <role>
1214 			    */
1215                             {
1216                                 URI roleId = getMentionIDFromCharSpan(roleCharSpan, vars);
1217                                 relationM.add(NWR.TARGET, roleId);
1218                             }
1220 			    /* 
1221 			       set the RDF.TYPE
1222 			    */
1223                             if (createParticipationMentionFlag) {
1224                                 relationM.add(RDF.TYPE, NWR.PARTICIPATION,
1225                                         NWR.RELATION_MENTION, KS.MENTION);
1226                                 deg2 = "|TYPE:PARTICIPATION,RELATION_MENTION,MENTION|" + deg2;
1227                                 relationM.add(NWR.THEMATIC_ROLE, ((Role) prdGObj).getSemRole());
1228                                 deg2 += "|THEMATIC_ROLE:" + ((Role) prdGObj).getSemRole();
1229                             } else {
1230                                 relationM.add(RDF.TYPE, NWR.TLINK,
1231                                         NWR.RELATION_MENTION, KS.MENTION);
1232                                 deg2 = "|TYPE:TLINK,RELATION_MENTION,MENTION|" + deg2;
1233                             }
1234                             relationM.add(KS.MENTION_OF, vars.news_file_id);
1236 			    /* 
1237 			       generate and set ID of the relation mention
1238 			    */
1239                             //  compute the Term list for the <role>
1240                             if (roleTermList == null) {
1241                                 roleTermList = new LinkedList<Term>();
1242                                 for (Target rspnTar : ((Role) prdGObj).getSpan().getTarget()) {
1243                                     Term ttmp = getTermfromTermId((Term) rspnTar.getId(), vars);
1244                                     roleTermList.addLast(ttmp);
1245                                 }
1246                             }
1247                             generateTheMIdAndSetID_forParticipationMention(eventTermList, roleTermList, relationM,
1248                                     vars);
1249                             deg2 = "MentionId:" + relationM.getID() + deg2;
1250                             boolean create = false;
1252 			    /* 
1253 			       always add the relation mention (do not check if a previously accepted mention with the span of <role> exists)
1254 			    */
1255                             int addedNew = -1;
1256                             MenCreated = true;
1258                             charS = relationM.getUnique(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, Integer.class) + "," + relationM
1259                                     .getUnique(NIF.END_INDEX, Integer.class);
1260                             if (createParticipationMentionFlag) {
1261                                 logDebug("  ROL1: <srl> <predicate> <role> adding new participation mention for |"
1262                                         + charS + "|", vars);
1263                             } else {
1264                                 logDebug(
1265                                         "  ROL1: <srl> <predicate> <role> adding new TLINK mention for |" + charS + "|",
1266                                         vars);
1267                             }
1269 			    /* 
1270 			       try to add the relation mention
1271 			    */
1272                             addedNew = addOrMergeAMention(relationM, vars);
1273                             if (addedNew == 1) {
1274                                 vars.rolewithEntity++;
1275                                 vars.rolewithEntity2++;
1276                                 vars.roleMentions++;
1277                             } else {
1278                                 // if with entity and conflict or enriched, counted as discarded
1279                                 if (create) {
1280                                     vars.rolewithoutEntity++;
1281                                 }
1282                             }
1284 			    /* 
1285 			       add the information from <externalReferences> sub-tag (the relation mention is always created)
1286 			    */
1287                             for (ExternalReferences roleGOBJ : ((Role) prdGObj).getExternalReferences()) {
1288                                 for (ExternalRef rexRefObj : roleGOBJ.getExternalRef()) {
1290                                     // check 'resource' and 'reference' attributes
1291                                     //
1292                                     String resourceValue = rexRefObj.getResource();
1293                                     String referenceValue = rexRefObj.getReference();
1295                                     if (resourceValue != null) {
1297                                         URI resourceMappedValue = vars.srlExternalRefResourceTypeMapper
1298                                                 .get(resourceValue);
1299                                         URIImpl valueURI;
1300                                         if (resourceMappedValue != null) {
1301                                             valueURI = getUriForSrlExternalRefResource(resourceValue, referenceValue);
1302                                         } else {
1303                                             // force dynamic URIs
1304                                             //
1305                                             resourceMappedValue = ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance()
1306                                                     .createURI(NWR.NAMESPACE, resourceValue.toLowerCase() + "Ref");
1307                                             valueURI = new URIImpl("http://www.newsreader-project.eu/"
1308                                                     + resourceValue.toLowerCase() + "/" + referenceValue);
1309                                         }
1310                                         if (charS != null) {
1311                                             vars.mentionListHash.get(charS).add(resourceMappedValue, valueURI);
1312                                         }
1313                                         deg2 += "|" + resourceMappedValue + ":" + valueURI;
1314                                     } else {
1315                                         // resourceValue == null)
1316                                         logDebug(
1317                                                 "xpath(//NAF/srl/predicate/role/externalReferences/externalRef@Resource(NULL)): RoleID("
1318                                                         + ((Role) prdGObj).getId() + ")", vars);
1319                                     }
1320                                 }
1322                             } // end of adding info from <externalReferences> within <role>
1323                         }
1324                         logDebug(deg2, vars);
1326                     } // end of <role> processing
1328             } // end of iteration over <externalReferences> or <role>s of the <predicate>
1330         } // end of iteration over <predicate>
1331     }
1333     private static List<PredicateAnchor> getAllRelativePredicateAnchors(String id,
1334             processNAFVariables vars) {
1335         List<PredicateAnchor> tmp = new ArrayList<PredicateAnchor>();
1336         for (PredicateAnchor pas : vars.doc.getTemporalRelations().getPredicateAnchor()) {
1337             for (Span t : pas.getSpan()) {
1338                 for (Target tm : t.getTarget()) {
1339                     if (((Predicate) tm.getId()).getId().equalsIgnoreCase(id)) {
1340                         tmp.add(pas);
1341                         break;
1342                     }
1343                 }
1344             }
1345         }
1346         return tmp;
1347     }
1349     private static void getNAFHEADERMentions(NafHeader obj, processNAFVariables vars) throws Exception {
1350         logDebug("Start reading the naf metadata:", vars);
1351         String deg = "";
1352         Public publicProp = ((NafHeader) obj).getPublic();
1353         initURIIDS(publicProp, vars);
1354         Record newsFile = Record.create();
1355         Record nafFile = Record.create();
1356         vars.nafFile2 = nafFile;
1357         vars.newsFile2 = newsFile;
1358         newsFile.setID(vars.news_file_id);
1359         nafFile.setID(vars.NAF_file_id);
1360         deg += "news_file_id:" + vars.news_file_id;
1361         newsFile.add(RDF.TYPE, NWR.NEWS);
1362         deg += "\nNAF_file_id:" + vars.NAF_file_id;
1364         nafFile.add(RDF.TYPE, NWR.NAFDOCUMENT);
1365         nafFile.add(NWR.ANNOTATION_OF, newsFile.getID());
1366         newsFile.add(NWR.ANNOTATED_WITH, nafFile.getID());
1367         if (vars.doc.getVersion() != null) {
1368             nafFile.add(NWR.VERSION, vars.doc.getVersion());
1369             deg += "\nVERSION:" + vars.doc.getVersion();
1370         }
1372 	/* 
1373 	   set DCTERMS.SOURCE according to the News URI
1374 	*/
1375         URIImpl sourceURL;
1376         if (vars.PREFIX.matches("(?i)http://www.newsreader-project.eu/LNdata.*")) {
1377             // LexisNexis news
1378             String preStr = "http://www.lexisnexis.com/uk/nexis/docview/getDocForCuiReq?lni=";
1379             String postStr = "&csi=138620&perma=true";
1380             String srcUrlstr = new String(preStr + publicProp.getPublicId() + postStr);
1381             sourceURL = new URIImpl(srcUrlstr);
1382         } else {
1383             // non-LexisNexis news
1384             sourceURL = (URIImpl) vars.news_file_id;
1385         }
1386         newsFile.add(DCTERMS.SOURCE, sourceURL);
1388         if (publicProp.getPublicId() != null) {
1389             nafFile.add(DCTERMS.IDENTIFIER, publicProp.getPublicId());// NAF/nafHeader/public@publicId
1390             deg += "|IDENTIFIER:" + publicProp.getPublicId();
1391         }
1392         if (vars.doc.getXmlLang() != null) {
1393             newsFile.add(DCTERMS.LANGUAGE, Data.languageCodeToURI(vars.doc.getXmlLang()));
1394             deg += "|LANGUAGE:" + Data.languageCodeToURI(vars.doc.getXmlLang());
1395         } else {
1396             logWarn("Language not catched:" + vars.doc.getXmlLang(), vars);
1397         }
1398         FileDesc fileDesc = null;
1399         if (((NafHeader) obj).getFileDesc() != null) {
1400             fileDesc = ((NafHeader) obj).getFileDesc();
1401             if (fileDesc.getTitle() != null) {
1402                 newsFile.add(DCTERMS.TITLE, fileDesc.getTitle());
1403                 deg += "|TITLE:" + fileDesc.getTitle();
1404             }
1405             if (fileDesc.getAuthor() != null) {
1406                 newsFile.add(DCTERMS.CREATOR, fileDesc.getAuthor());
1407                 deg += "|Author:" + fileDesc.getAuthor();
1408             }
1409             if (fileDesc.getCreationtime() != null) {
1410                 newsFile.add(DCTERMS.CREATED, fileDesc.getCreationtime());
1411                 deg += "|Creationtime:" + fileDesc.getCreationtime();
1412             }
1414             if (fileDesc.getSection() != null) {
1415                 newsFile.add(NWR.SECTION, fileDesc.getSection());
1416                 deg += "|SECTION:" + fileDesc.getSection();
1417             }
1419             if (fileDesc.getMagazine() != null) {
1420                 newsFile.add(NWR.MAGAZINE, fileDesc.getMagazine());
1421                 deg += "|MAGAZINE:" + fileDesc.getMagazine();
1422             }
1424             if (fileDesc.getLocation() != null) {
1425                 newsFile.add(NWR.LOCATION, fileDesc.getLocation());
1426                 deg += "|LOCATION:" + fileDesc.getLocation();
1427             }
1429             if (fileDesc.getPublisher() != null) {
1430                 newsFile.add(NWR.PUBLISHER, fileDesc.getPublisher());
1431                 deg += "|PUBLISHER:" + fileDesc.getPublisher();
1432             }
1434             if (fileDesc.getFilename() != null) {
1435                 newsFile.add(NWR.ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME, fileDesc.getFilename());
1436                 deg += "|Filename:" + fileDesc.getFilename();
1437             }
1439             if (fileDesc.getFiletype() != null) {
1440                 newsFile.add(NWR.ORIGINAL_FILE_FORMAT, fileDesc.getFiletype());
1441                 deg += "|Filetype:" + fileDesc.getFiletype();
1442             }
1444             if (fileDesc.getPages() != null) {
1445                 newsFile.add(NWR.ORIGINAL_PAGES, fileDesc.getPages());
1446                 deg += "|Pages:" + fileDesc.getPages();
1447             }
1448         } else {
1449             logWarn("FileDesc: null", vars);
1450         }
1451         for (LinguisticProcessors lpObj : ((NafHeader) obj).getLinguisticProcessors()) {
1452             deg += "\n";
1453             if (lpObj.getLayer() != null) {
1454                 if (vars.nafLayerMapper.containsKey(lpObj.getLayer())
1455                         && vars.nafLayerMapper.get(lpObj.getLayer()) != null) {
1456                     nafFile.add(NWR.LAYER, vars.nafLayerMapper.get(lpObj.getLayer()));
1457                     deg += "LAYER:" + vars.nafLayerMapper.get(lpObj.getLayer());
1458                 } else {
1459                     logDebug("xpath(//NAF/nafHeader/linguisticProcessors/@layer["
1460                             + lpObj.getLayer() + "]),  unknown layer.", vars);
1461                 }
1462             }
1464             for (Lp lpO : lpObj.getLp()) {
1465                 deg += "\n";
1466                 Record r3 = Record.create();
1467                 if (lpO.getName() != null) {
1468                     r3.add(DCTERMS.TITLE, lpO.getName());
1469                     deg += "TITLE:" + lpO.getName();
1470                 }
1471                 if (lpO.getVersion() != null) {
1472                     r3.add(NWR.VERSION, lpO.getVersion());
1473                     deg += "|VERSION:" + lpO.getVersion();
1474                 }
1475                 String namuri = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(lpO.getName());
1476                 String uri = vars.PREFIX + (vars.PREFIX.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + "lp/" + namuri + "/"
1477                         + lpO.getVersion();
1479                 URI rId = new URIImpl(uri);
1480                 r3.setID(rId);
1481                 nafFile.add(NWR.MODULES, r3);
1482                 deg += "|CREATOR:" + r3;
1483             }
1484         }
1486         logDebug(deg, vars);
1487     }
1489     private static void getCoreferencesMentions(Coreferences obj, processNAFVariables vars) throws Exception {
1490         if (!checkHeaderTextTerms(vars)) {
1491             logError("Error: populating interrupted", vars);
1492         } else {
1493             logDebug("Start mapping the Coreferences mentions:", vars);
1494         }
1495         String deg = "\n";
1497 	/*
1498 	  process the <coref> tag
1499 	*/
1500         for (Coref corefObj : ((Coreferences) obj).getCoref()) {
1501             deg = "";
1502             if (corefObj.getSpan().size() < 1) {
1503                 logDebug("Every coref must contain a 'span' element inside 'references'", vars);
1504             }
1506 	    /*
1507 	      if type exists and =="event" then create a new mention for each span;
1508 	      otherwise create a new mention for each span only if at least one span includes (or is) a previously extracted mention.
1509 	    */
1511             boolean addMentionsFlag = false;
1513             String corefType = corefObj.getType();
1514             List<Object> typesOfIncludedMention = null;
1515             boolean eventM = false;
1516             if (corefType != null && corefType.equalsIgnoreCase("event")) {
1517                 // create new mentions
1518                 addMentionsFlag = true;
1519                 eventM = true;
1520             } else {
1521                 // check if at least one span includes (or is) a previously extracted mention
1522                 //
1523                 for (Span corefSpan : corefObj.getSpan()) {
1524                     String corefCharSpan = getCharSpanFromSpan(corefSpan, vars);
1525                     Object[] retArray = checkSpanIncludesAnAlreadyAcceptedMention(corefCharSpan, vars);
1526                     int inclFlag = ((Integer) retArray[0]).intValue();
1527                     if ((inclFlag == 1) || (inclFlag == 2)) {
1528                         addMentionsFlag = true;
1529                         String includedMentionCharSpan = (String) retArray[1];
1530                         typesOfIncludedMention = getMentionTypeFromCharSpan(includedMentionCharSpan, vars);
1531                         logDebug("ROL1: <coref> id " + corefObj.getId() + ": found included mention for |"
1532                                 + corefCharSpan + "|, included mention |" + includedMentionCharSpan
1533                                 + "|, inclFlag " + inclFlag
1534                                 + ", types " + getTypeasString(typesOfIncludedMention), vars);
1535                         break;
1536                     }
1537                 }
1538             }
1540             if (addMentionsFlag) {
1541                 for (Span corefSpan : corefObj.getSpan()) {
1542                     String corefCharSpan = getCharSpanFromSpan(corefSpan, vars);
1543                     if (checkAlreadyAcceptedMention(corefCharSpan, vars)) {
1544                         logDebug("ROL1: <coref> id " + corefObj.getId()
1545                                 + ": skipping already existent mention with charSpan |"
1546                                 + corefCharSpan + "|", vars);
1547                         continue;
1548                     }
1549                     deg = "";
1550                     Record m = Record.create();
1551                     m.add(KS.MENTION_OF, vars.news_file_id);
1552                     deg += "MENTION_OF:" + vars.news_file_id;
1553                     if (corefObj.getSpan().size() > 1) {
1554                         m.add(NWR.LOCAL_COREF_ID, corefObj.getId());
1555                         deg += "|LOCAL_COREF_ID:" + corefObj.getId();
1556                     }
1558                     if (eventM) {
1559                         m.add(RDF.TYPE, NWR.EVENT_MENTION, NWR.TIME_OR_EVENT_MENTION,
1560                                 NWR.ENTITY_MENTION, KS.MENTION);
1562                                 + deg;
1563                         eventM = true;
1564                     } else {
1565                         m.add(RDF.TYPE, NWR.OBJECT_MENTION, NWR.ENTITY_MENTION, KS.MENTION);
1566                         deg = "TYPE:,OBJECT_MENTION,ENTITY_MENTION,ENTITY_MENTION|" + deg;
1567                         // add types of includedMention
1568                         //
1569                         if (typesOfIncludedMention != null) {
1570                             m.add(RDF.TYPE, typesOfIncludedMention);
1571                         }
1572                     }
1573                     logDebug("ROL1: <coref> id " + corefObj.getId() + ": adding new mention with charSpan |"
1574                             + corefCharSpan + "|, and type " + m.get(RDF.TYPE), vars);
1576                     if (corefSpan.getTarget().size() < 1) {
1577                         logDebug("Every span in an entity must contain at least one target inside", vars);
1578                     }
1579                     for (Target spTar : corefSpan.getTarget()) {
1580                         if (eventM) {
1581                             Term eventTerm = getTermfromTermId((Term) spTar.getId(), vars);
1582                             m.add(NWR.PRED, eventTerm.getLemma());
1583                             deg += "|PRED:" + eventTerm.getLemma();
1584                             if (eventTerm.getPos() != null) {
1585                                 URI posVal = (eventTerm.getPos().equals("V") ||
1586                                         eventTerm.getPos().equals("N"))
1587                                         ? vars.partOfSpeechMapper.get(eventTerm.getPos())
1588                                         : vars.partOfSpeechMapper.get("");
1589                                 m.add(NWR.POS, posVal);
1590                                 deg += "|POS:" + posVal;
1591                             } else {
1592                                 logDebug("//NAF/coreferences/coref/span/target/@id/@getPOS[null], id("
1593                                         + eventTerm.getId() + ")", vars);
1594                             }
1595                         }
1596                         if (!eventM && spTar.getHead() != null && spTar.getHead().equals("yes")) {
1597                             if (spTar.getId() != null) {
1598                                 m.add(NWR.SYNTACTIC_HEAD, spTar.getId());
1599                                 deg += "|SYNTACTIC_HEAD:" + spTar.getId();
1600                             } else {
1601                                 logDebug("//NAF/coreferences/coref/span/target[@head='yes']/@id[null], id("
1602                                         + spTar.getId() + ")", vars);
1603                             }
1604                         }
1605                     }
1606                     generateTheMIdAndSetID(corefSpan, m, vars);
1607                     deg = "MentionId:" + m.getID() + deg;
1608                     logDebug(deg, vars);
1610                     int addedNew = addOrMergeAMention(m, vars);
1612                     if (!eventM) {
1613                         // eventM == false
1614                         if (addedNew == 1) {
1615                             vars.corefMention2++;
1616                             vars.no_mapping++;
1617                             vars.corefMentionNotEvent++;
1618                             vars.corefMention++;
1619                             // logWarn("xpath(//NAF/coreferences/coref/) add a new object mention, missing type.");
1620                         }
1621                     } else {
1622                         // eventM == true
1623                         if (addedNew == 1) {
1624                             vars.srlMention2++;
1625                             vars.corefMentionEvent++;
1626                             vars.corefMention++;
1627                         }
1628                     }
1629                     String charS2 = m.getUnique(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, Integer.class) + "," + m
1630                             .getUnique(NIF.END_INDEX, Integer.class);
1631                     vars.entityMentions.put(charS2, m);
1632                 }
1633             } else {
1634                 logDebug("ROL1: <coref> id " + corefObj.getId() + ": entirely skipped, NO included mentions", vars);
1635             }
1636         }
1637     }
1639     private static LinkedList<Term> mergeTwoTermLists(LinkedList<Term> eventTermList,
1640             LinkedList<Term> roleTermList, processNAFVariables vars) {
1642         LinkedList<Term> merged = new LinkedList<Term>();
1643 	/* 
1644 	   first the eventTermList (from <predicate>) then roleTermList (from <role>)
1645 	 */
1646         for (Term evn : eventTermList) {
1647             merged.addLast(evn);
1648         }
1649         for (Term rol : roleTermList) {
1650             merged.addLast(rol);
1651         }
1652         logDebug("Two lists merged: eventTermListSize(" + eventTermList.size()
1653                 + ") + roleTermListSize(" + roleTermList.size() + ") = mergedListSize("
1654                 + merged.size() + ").", vars);
1655         return merged;
1656     }
1658     // given a charSpan (e.g. "321,325") check if there is an already accepted mention with such span
1659     //
1660     private static boolean checkAlreadyAcceptedMention(String charSpan, processNAFVariables vars) {
1661         return vars.mentionListHash.containsKey(charSpan);
1662     }
1664     // given a charSpan (e.g. "321,325") check if it includes an already accepted mention;
1665     // return an array of 3 Objects: (Integer)inclFlag, (String)outCharSpan where
1666     //   0, null                    if there are no already-accepted mentions included in the charSpan
1667     //   1, charSpan                if an already-accepted mention coincides with the charSpan
1668     //   2, chSpanOfIncludedMention if an already-accepted mention is stricly included in the charSpan
1669     //
1670     private static Object[] checkSpanIncludesAnAlreadyAcceptedMention(String charSpan, processNAFVariables vars) {
1671         Object[] retArray = new Object[2];
1672         // check if an already-accepted mention coincides
1673         if (checkAlreadyAcceptedMention(charSpan, vars)) {
1674             retArray[0] = new Integer(1);
1675             retArray[1] = charSpan;
1676             return retArray;
1677         }
1679         // check if an already-accepted mention is strictly included
1680         String[] fields = charSpan.split(",");
1681         int spanBeginC = Integer.parseInt(fields[0]);
1682         int spanEndC = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]);
1684         Enumeration keys = vars.mentionListHash.keys();
1685         String[] kfields;
1686         int kBeginC;
1687         int kEndC;
1688         while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
1689             String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
1690             kfields = key.split(",");
1691             kBeginC = Integer.parseInt(kfields[0]);
1692             kEndC = Integer.parseInt(kfields[1]);
1693             if ((kBeginC >= spanBeginC) && (kEndC <= spanEndC)) {
1694                 retArray[0] = new Integer(2);
1695                 retArray[1] = key;
1696                 return retArray;
1697             }
1698         }
1699         // no already-accepted mentions included
1700         retArray[0] = new Integer(0);
1701         retArray[1] = null;
1702         return retArray;
1703     }
1705     // given a Span object return its charSpan (e.g. "321,325")
1706     //
1707     private static String getCharSpanFromSpan(Span sp, processNAFVariables vars) {
1708         LinkedList<Wf> wordsL = fromSpanGetAllMentions(sp.getTarget(), vars);
1709         String begin = wordsL.getFirst().getOffset();
1710         Wf lastW = wordsL.getLast();
1711         int end = Integer.parseInt(lastW.getOffset()) + Integer.parseInt(lastW.getLength());
1712         String charSpan = begin + "," + Integer.toString(end);
1713         return charSpan;
1714     }
1716     // given a charSpan (e.g. "321,325") get the ID of the mention with such span if exists, otherwise return null
1717     //
1718     private static URI getMentionIDFromCharSpan(String charSpan, processNAFVariables vars) {
1719         if (vars.mentionListHash.containsKey(charSpan)) {
1720             return vars.mentionListHash.get(charSpan).getID();
1721         } else {
1722             return null;
1723         }
1724     }
1726     // given a charSpan (e.g. "321,325") get the type of the mention with such span if exists, otherwise return null
1727     //
1728     private static List<Object> getMentionTypeFromCharSpan(String charSpan, processNAFVariables vars) {
1729         if (vars.mentionListHash.containsKey(charSpan)) {
1730             return vars.mentionListHash.get(charSpan).get(RDF.TYPE);
1731         } else {
1732             return null;
1733         }
1734     }
1736     /*
1737       return:
1738 	1  if input mention "m" was added as a new mention
1739 	0  if a previously accepted mention with the same span of input mention m was enriched
1740         <0 in case of problems (e.g. due to a conflict with previously accepted mention); input mention m was not added 
1741     */
1742     private static Integer addOrMergeAMention(Record m, processNAFVariables vars) {
1743         String charS = m.getUnique(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, Integer.class) + "," + m.getUnique(NIF.END_INDEX, Integer.class);
1744         if (vars.mentionListHash.containsKey(charS)) {
1745 	    /* 
1746 	       there is a previously accepted mention with the same span: try to enrich it
1747 	    */
1748             boolean chk = checkClassCompatibility(vars.mentionListHash.get(charS), m);
1749             if (!chk) {
1750 		/* 
1751 		   there is conflict between the input mention and the previously accepted mention with the same span:
1752 		   check if the new mention can replace the old one, otherwise report the error
1753 		*/
1754                 if (checkMentionReplaceability(vars.mentionListHash.get(charS), m)) {
1755                     // replace the old mention with the new one
1756                     vars.mentionListHash.put(charS, m);
1757                     logDebug("Replacement with Mention: " + m.getID() + ", class(" + getTypeasString(m.get(RDF.TYPE))
1758                             + ")", vars);
1759                     return 0;
1760                 }
1762                 String types = getTypeasString(m.get(RDF.TYPE));
1763                 if (types.contains(NWR.PARTICIPATION.stringValue())) {
1764                     logDebug("Participation collision error, mentionID(" + m.getID() + ") class1(" + getTypeasString(
1765                             m.get(RDF.TYPE)) + "), class-pre-xtracted(" + getTypeasString(
1766                             vars.mentionListHash.get(charS).get(RDF.TYPE)) + ")", vars);
1767                 } else {
1768                     logDebug("Generic collision error, mentionID(" + m.getID() + ") class1(" + getTypeasString(
1769                             m.get(RDF.TYPE)) + "), class-pre-xtracted(" + getTypeasString(
1770                             vars.mentionListHash.get(charS).get(RDF.TYPE)) + ")", vars);
1771                 }
1772                 return -1;
1773             } else {
1774 		/* 
1775 		   there is compatibility between the input mention and the previously accepted mention with the same span:
1776 		   enrich old mention with properties from the new one (except participation mentions)
1777 		*/
1778                 String types = getTypeasString(m.get(RDF.TYPE));
1779                 if (types.contains(NWR.PARTICIPATION.stringValue())) {//Rule: no enrichment for participation
1780                     logDebug("Refused enrichment with participation mention, mentionID(" + m.getID() + ")", vars);
1781                     return -1;
1782                 }
1783                 // enrich mention
1784                 ListIterator<URI> mit = m.getProperties().listIterator();
1785                 while (mit.hasNext()) {
1786                     URI mittmp = mit.next();
1788                     for (Object pit : m.get(mittmp)) {
1789                         vars.mentionListHash.get(charS).add(mittmp, pit);
1790                     }
1791                 }
1792                 logDebug("Mention enrichment: " + m.getID() + ", class(" + getTypeasString(m.get(RDF.TYPE)) + ")",
1793                         vars);
1794                 return 0;
1795             }
1797         } else {
1798 	    /* 
1799 	       the mention is new (there is no previously accepted mention with the same span)
1800 	    */
1801             vars.mentionListHash.put(charS, m);
1802             logDebug("Created Mention: " + m.getID(), vars);
1803             return 1;
1804         }
1805     }
1807     // apply to all the mentions the following changes:
1808     //  - add the "extent" attribute as NIF.ANCHOR_OF
1809     //
1810     private static void fixMentions(processNAFVariables vars) {
1811         Enumeration keys = vars.mentionListHash.keys();
1812         while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
1813             String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
1814             Record m = (Record) vars.mentionListHash.get(key);
1816             // get charStartIndex and charEndIndex from the mention charSpan (= the key)
1817             //
1818             String[] csList = key.split(",");
1819             int cStart = Integer.parseInt(csList[0]);
1820             int cEnd = Integer.parseInt(csList[1]);
1821             String extentStr = vars.rawText.substring(cStart, cEnd);
1822             m.add(NIF.ANCHOR_OF, extentStr);
1823         }
1824     }
1826     private static String getTypeasString(List<Object> list) {
1827         String tmp = "";
1828         for (Object ll : list) {
1829             tmp += ll.toString() + ",";
1830         }
1831         tmp += "\"";
1832         return tmp.replace(",\"", "");
1833     }
1835     private static boolean checkClassCompatibility(Record m, Record m2) {
1836         List<Object> types = m.get(RDF.TYPE);
1837         List<Object> types1 = m2.get(RDF.TYPE);
1838         for (Object tytmp : types) {
1839             if (!types1.contains(tytmp)) {
1840                 return false;
1841             }
1842         }
1843         return true;
1844     }
1846     private static boolean checkMentionReplaceability(Record oldM, Record newM) {
1847 	/* 
1848 	   return true oldM can be replaced with newM;
1849 	   this happens if oldM is a generic OBJECT_MENTION (= without ENTITY_TYPE) 
1850 	   and newM is more specific (an OBJECT_MENTION with ENTITY_TYPE, or a TIME_MENTION, or EVENT_MENTION)
1851 	*/
1852         List<Object> typesOld = oldM.get(RDF.TYPE);
1853         List<Object> typesNew = newM.get(RDF.TYPE);
1854         boolean isGenericOldM = (typesOld.contains(NWR.OBJECT_MENTION) && (oldM.get(NWR.ENTITY_TYPE) == null
1855                 || oldM.get(NWR.ENTITY_TYPE).size() == 0));
1856         boolean isSpecificNewM = ((typesNew.contains(NWR.OBJECT_MENTION) && (newM.get(NWR.ENTITY_TYPE) != null
1857                 && oldM.get(NWR.ENTITY_TYPE).size() > 0))
1858                 || typesNew.contains(NWR.TIME_MENTION)
1859                 || typesNew.contains(NWR.EVENT_MENTION));
1860 	/*
1861 	  logWarn("ROL3: checkMentionReplaceability: " + getTypeasString(typesOld) + "| " + getTypeasString(typesNew));
1862 	  logWarn("ROL3:    isGenericOldM " + isGenericOldM + "| isSpecificNewM " + isSpecificNewM);
1863 	*/
1864         if (isGenericOldM && isSpecificNewM) {
1865             return true;
1866         } else {
1867             return false;
1868         }
1869     }
1871     private static void initURIIDS(Public publicProp, processNAFVariables vars) throws Exception {
1872         if (publicProp.getPublicId() == null) {
1873             logError("Corrupted Naf file: PublicId in the Naf header is missed", vars);
1874             throw new Exception();
1875         }
1876         vars.nafPublicId = publicProp.getPublicId();
1877         String uri = publicProp.getUri();
1878         //TODO remove it @mohammed Sept2014PREFIX
1879         //uri = PREFIX+uri;
1880         vars.news_file_id = new URIImpl(uri);
1881         String nafuri = uri + ".naf";
1882         vars.NAF_file_id = new URIImpl(nafuri);
1883         logDebug("news_file_id: " + uri, vars);
1884         logDebug("NAF_file_id: " + nafuri, vars);
1886         // set the PREFIX given the news uri
1887         try {
1888             URL nurl = new URL(uri);
1889             Path p = Paths.get(nurl.getPath());
1890             vars.PREFIX = nurl.getProtocol() + "://" + nurl.getAuthority() + "/" + p.subpath(0, 2);
1891         } catch (Exception me) {
1892             vars.PREFIX = vars.news_file_id.getNamespace();
1893         }
1894         logDebug("PREFIX: " + vars.PREFIX, vars);
1895     }
1897     static void generateMIDAndSetIdWF(LinkedList<Wf> wordsL, Record m, processNAFVariables vars) {
1898         int begin = Integer.parseInt(wordsL.getFirst().getOffset());
1899         int end = (Integer.parseInt(wordsL.getLast().getOffset()) + Integer.parseInt(wordsL
1900                 .getLast().getLength()));
1901         m.add(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, begin);
1902         m.add(NIF.END_INDEX, end);
1903         String tmpid = vars.news_file_id + "#char=" + begin + "," + end;
1904         URI mId = new URIImpl(tmpid);
1905         m.setID(mId);
1906     }
1908     private static void logError(String error, processNAFVariables vars) throws Exception {
1909         if (vars.logErrorActive) {
1910             vars.logger.error(vars.filePath.getName() + " " + error);
1911         }
1912         if (!vars.storePartialInforInCaseOfError) {
1913             throw new Exception();
1914             // System.exit(-1);
1915         }
1917     }
1919     private static void logDebug(String error, processNAFVariables vars) {
1920         if (vars.logDebugActive) {
1921             vars.logger.debug(error);
1922         }
1923     }
1925     private static void logWarn(String error, processNAFVariables vars) {
1926         vars.logger.warn(vars.filePath.getName() + " " + error);
1927     }
1929     private static boolean checkHeaderTextTerms(processNAFVariables vars) {
1930         if (vars.globalTerms == null) {
1931             logWarn("Error: No term(s) has been catched!", vars);
1932             return false;
1933         }
1934         if (vars.globalText == null) {
1935             logWarn("Error: No text(s) has been catched!", vars);
1936             return false;
1937         }
1938         return true;
1939     }
1941     public static Logger getLogger(processNAFVariables vars) {
1942         return vars.logger;
1943     }
1945     public static void setLogger(final Logger logger, processNAFVariables vars) {
1946         vars.logger = logger;
1947     }
1949     private static void generateTheMIdAndSetID(Span spansObj, Record m, processNAFVariables vars) {
1950         LinkedList<Wf> wordsL = fromSpanGetAllMentions(((Span) spansObj).getTarget(), vars);
1951         int begin = Integer.parseInt(wordsL.getFirst().getOffset());
1952         int end = (Integer.parseInt(wordsL.getLast().getOffset()) + Integer.parseInt(wordsL
1953                 .getLast().getLength()));
1954         m.add(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, begin);
1955         m.add(NIF.END_INDEX, end);
1956         String muri = vars.news_file_id + "#char=" + begin + "," + end;
1957         URI mId = new URIImpl(muri);
1958         m.setID(mId);
1959     }
1961     /* 
1962        similar to generateTheMIdAndSetID() but specific for ParticipationMention
1963      */
1964     private static void generateTheMIdAndSetID_forParticipationMention(LinkedList<Term> eventTermList,
1965             LinkedList<Term> roleTermList,
1966             Record m, processNAFVariables vars) {
1967         LinkedList<Wf> eventWordList = getTheWFListByThereTermsFromTargetList(eventTermList, vars);
1968         LinkedList<Wf> roleWordList = getTheWFListByThereTermsFromTargetList(roleTermList, vars);
1970         int charStartOfEvent = Integer.parseInt(eventWordList.getFirst().getOffset());
1971         int charEndOfEvent = Integer.parseInt(eventWordList.getLast().getOffset()) + Integer
1972                 .parseInt(eventWordList.getLast().getLength());
1973         int charStartOfRole = Integer.parseInt(roleWordList.getFirst().getOffset());
1974         int charEndOfRole = Integer.parseInt(roleWordList.getLast().getOffset()) + Integer
1975                 .parseInt(roleWordList.getLast().getLength());
1977         int beginIndex, endIndex;
1978         if (charStartOfEvent < charStartOfRole) {
1979             beginIndex = charStartOfEvent;
1980             endIndex = charEndOfRole;
1981         } else {
1982             beginIndex = charStartOfRole;
1983             endIndex = charEndOfEvent;
1984         }
1985         m.add(NIF.BEGIN_INDEX, beginIndex);
1986         m.add(NIF.END_INDEX, endIndex);
1988         String muri = vars.news_file_id + "#char=" + beginIndex + "," + endIndex;
1989         URI mId = new URIImpl(muri);
1990         m.setID(mId);
1991     }
1993     /*
1994        similar to generateTheMIdAndSetID() but specific for ParticipationMention
1995      */
1996     private static String getExtentOfParticipationMention(LinkedList<Term> eventTermList,
1997             LinkedList<Term> roleTermList, processNAFVariables vars) {
1998         LinkedList<Wf> eventWordList = getTheWFListByThereTermsFromTargetList(eventTermList, vars);
1999         LinkedList<Wf> roleWordList = getTheWFListByThereTermsFromTargetList(roleTermList, vars);
2001         LinkedList<Wf> mergedWordList = new LinkedList<Wf>();
2003         int charStartOfEvent = Integer.parseInt(eventWordList.getFirst().getOffset());
2004         int charStartOfRole = Integer.parseInt(roleWordList.getFirst().getOffset());
2006         LinkedList<Wf> firstWL, secondWL;
2007         if (charStartOfEvent <= charStartOfRole) {
2008             firstWL = eventWordList;
2009             secondWL = roleWordList;
2010         } else {
2011             firstWL = roleWordList;
2012             secondWL = eventWordList;
2013         }
2014         for (Wf w : firstWL) {
2015             if (!mergedWordList.contains(w)) {
2016                 mergedWordList.add(w);
2017             }
2018         }
2019         for (Wf w : secondWL) {
2020             if (!mergedWordList.contains(w)) {
2021                 mergedWordList.add(w);
2022             }
2023         }
2025         StringBuffer extent = new StringBuffer();
2026         for (Wf w : mergedWordList) {
2027             extent.append(w.getvalue() + " ");
2028         }
2029         String sExtent = extent.toString();
2030         return sExtent.substring(0, sExtent.length() - 1);
2031     }
2033     /*
2034       return true if another mention exists with the same span
2035     */
2036     private static boolean checkDuplicate(String muri, processNAFVariables vars) {
2037         boolean re = false;
2038         for (String keys : vars.entityMentions.keySet()) {
2039             if (keys.equals(muri)) {
2040                 //if (mtmp.getID().stringValue().equals(muri)) {
2041                 re = true;
2042                 break;
2043             }
2044         }
2045         return re;
2046     }
2048     private static Term getTermfromTermId(Term termId, processNAFVariables vars) {
2049         if (vars.globalTerms != null) {
2050             if (vars.globalTerms.getTerm().contains(termId)) {
2051                 return vars.globalTerms.getTerm().get(vars.globalTerms.getTerm().indexOf(termId));
2052             }
2053         } else {
2054             Terms ltmp = vars.doc.getTerms();
2055             if (((Terms) ltmp).getTerm().contains(termId)) {
2056                 return vars.globalTerms.getTerm().get(vars.globalTerms.getTerm().indexOf(termId));
2057             }
2059         }
2060         logWarn("Term is not found, searched TermId(" + termId.getId() + ")", vars);
2061         return null;
2062     }
2064     private static LinkedList<Wf> fromSpanGetAllMentionsTmx(List<Target> list, processNAFVariables vars) {
2065         LinkedList<Wf> returned = new LinkedList<Wf>();
2066         LinkedList<Wf> wordsIDL = new LinkedList<Wf>();
2067         for (Target ltmp : list) {
2068             wordsIDL.addLast((Wf) ltmp.getId());
2069         }
2070         if (vars.globalText != null) {
2072             int found = 0;
2073             for (Wf wftmp : vars.globalText.getWf()) {
2074                 if (wordsIDL.contains(wftmp)) {
2075                     returned.addLast(wftmp);
2076                     found++;
2077                 }
2078                 if (found >= wordsIDL.size()) {
2079                     break;
2080                 }
2081             }
2082         } else {
2083             Text prop = vars.doc.getText();
2084             int found = 0;
2085             for (Wf wftmp : prop.getWf()) {
2086                 if (wordsIDL.contains(wftmp)) {
2087                     returned.addLast(wftmp);
2088                     found++;
2089                 }
2090                 if (found >= wordsIDL.size()) {
2091                     break;
2092                 }
2093             }
2095         }
2096         return returned;
2097     }
2099     private static LinkedList<Wf> getTheWFListByThereTermsFromTargetList(LinkedList<Term> targetTermList,
2100             processNAFVariables vars) {
2101         LinkedList<Wf> returned = new LinkedList<Wf>();
2102         LinkedList<Wf> wordsIDL = new LinkedList<Wf>();
2103         boolean spanTermFound = false;
2104         if (vars.globalTerms != null) {
2106             for (Term termtmp : vars.globalTerms.getTerm()) {
2107                 if (targetTermList.contains(termtmp)) {
2108                     Iterator<Object> spansl = termtmp
2109                             .getSentimentOrSpanOrExternalReferencesOrComponent().iterator();
2110                     while (spansl.hasNext()) {
2111                         Object spantmp = spansl.next();
2112                         if (spantmp instanceof Span) {
2113                             spanTermFound = true;
2114                             for (Target targtmp : ((Span) spantmp).getTarget()) {
2115                                 wordsIDL.addLast((Wf) targtmp.getId());
2116                             }
2117                         }
2118                     }
2119                 }
2120             }
2122         } else {
2123             Terms prop = vars.doc.getTerms();
2125             for (Term termtmp : prop.getTerm()) {
2126                 if (targetTermList.contains(termtmp)) {
2127                     Iterator<Object> spansl = termtmp
2128                             .getSentimentOrSpanOrExternalReferencesOrComponent()
2129                             .iterator();
2130                     while (spansl.hasNext()) {
2131                         Object spantmp = spansl.next();
2132                         if (spantmp instanceof Span) {
2133                             spanTermFound = true;
2134                             for (Target targtmp : ((Span) spantmp).getTarget()) {
2135                                 wordsIDL.addLast((Wf) targtmp.getId());
2136                             }
2137                         }
2138                     }
2139                 }
2140             }
2142         }
2143       /*  if (!spanTermFound) {
2144             logWarn("Inconsistence NAF file(#TS): Every term must contain a span element",vars);
2145         }*/
2146         if (vars.globalText != null) {
2148             int found = 0;
2149             for (Wf wftmp : vars.globalText.getWf()) {
2150                 if (wordsIDL.contains(wftmp)) {
2151                     returned.addLast(wftmp);
2152                     found++;
2153                 }
2154                 if (found >= wordsIDL.size()) {
2155                     break;
2156                 }
2157             }
2159             if (found < wordsIDL.size()) {
2160                 logWarn("Inconsistence NAF file(#SW): Wf(s)  arenot found when loading term ", vars);
2161             }
2163         } else {
2164             Text prop = vars.doc.getText();
2165             int found = 0;
2166             for (Wf wftmp : prop.getWf()) {
2167                 if (wordsIDL.contains(wftmp)) {
2168                     returned.addLast(wftmp);
2169                     found++;
2170                 }
2171                 if (found >= wordsIDL.size()) {
2172                     break;
2173                 }
2175             }
2177             if (found < wordsIDL.size()) {
2178                 logWarn("Inconsistence NAF file(#SW): Wf(s)  arenot found when loading term ", vars);
2179             }
2181         }
2182         return returned;
2183     }
2185     private static LinkedList<Wf> fromSpanGetAllMentions(List<Target> list, processNAFVariables vars) {
2187         LinkedList<Term> targetTermList = new LinkedList<Term>();
2188         Iterator<Target> targetList = list.iterator();
2189         while (targetList.hasNext()) {
2190             Target tarm = targetList.next();
2191             targetTermList.add((Term) tarm.getId());
2192         }
2193         LinkedList<Wf> corrispondingWf = getTheWFListByThereTermsFromTargetList(targetTermList, vars);
2194         return corrispondingWf;
2195     }
2197     public static void readNAFFile(File naf, processNAFVariables vars) throws Exception {
2199         try {
2200             JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("eu.fbk.knowledgestore.populator.naf.model");
2201             Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
2202             byte[] bytes = ByteStreams.toByteArray(IO.read(naf.getAbsolutePath()));
2203             vars.doc = (NAF) unmarshaller.unmarshal(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
2204         } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
2205             e.printStackTrace();
2206             logError(e.getMessage(), vars);
2207         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
2208             e.printStackTrace();
2209             logError(e.getMessage(), vars);
2210         } catch (IOException e) {
2211             e.printStackTrace();
2212             logError(e.getMessage(), vars);
2213         } catch (JAXBException e) {
2214             e.printStackTrace();
2215             logError(e.getMessage(), vars);
2216         }
2218     }
2220     static void calculateMemory() {
2221         int mb = 1024 * 1024;
2223         // Getting the runtime reference from system
2224         Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
2226         System.err.println("##### Heap utilization statistics [MB] #####");
2228         // Print used memory
2229         System.err.println("Used Memory:" + (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / mb);
2231         // Print free memory
2232         System.err.println("Free Memory:" + runtime.freeMemory() / mb);
2234         // Print total available memory
2235         System.err.println("Total Memory:" + runtime.totalMemory() / mb);
2237         // Print Maximum available memory
2238         System.err.println("Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / mb);
2239     }
2240 }